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E. P. Scilingo, Sgambelluri, N., De Rossi, D., and Bicchi, A., Haptic Displays Based on Magnetorheological Fluids: Design, Realization and Psychophysical Validation, in Proc. 11th Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2003, pp. 10–15.
E. P. Scilingo, Sgambelluri, N., De Rossi, D., and Bicchi, A., Towards a Haptic Black Box: Magnetorheological fluid based display for softness and shape discrimination, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003, pp. 2412-2417. PDF icon [PDF] (395.42 KB)
E. P. Scilingo and Bicchi, A., Tactile Flow: Does it exist, is it useful and how?, in Proc. Int. Worksh. on Electroactive Polymers and Biosystems, Lucca, Italy, 2001, p. 142.
E. P. Scilingo, Bicchi, A., and De Rossi, D., Haptic devices for minimally invasive surgery, in Proc. Int. Worksh. on Electroactive Polymers and Biosystems, Lucca, Italy, 2001, pp. 194-198.
E. P. Scilingo, Bicchi, A., De Rossi, D., and Scotto, A., A magnetorheological fluid as a haptic display to replicate perceived compliance of biological tissues, in Proc. IEEE-EMBS Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Lyon, France, 2000, pp. 229-233. PDF icon [PDF] (494.76 KB)
E. P. Scilingo, Bicchi, A., De Rossi, D., and Iacconi, P., Haptic display able to replicate the rheological behaviour of surgical tissues, in Proc. 20th International Conference IEEE/EMBS, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 1738-1741. PDF icon [PDF] (469.26 KB)
E. P. Scilingo, De Rossi, D., Bicchi, A., and Iaccone, P., Haptic display for replication of rheological behaviour of surgical tissues: modelling, control, and experiments, in Proc. Annual ASME Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, Dallas, 1997.
E. P. Scilingo, De Rossi, D., Bicchi, A., and Iaccone, P., Sensors and devices to enhance the performance of a minimally invasive surgery tool for replicating surgeons' haptic percetion of manipulated tissues, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Chicago, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (331.93 KB)
A. Serio, Catalano, M. G., Grioli, G., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., The Hand Embodied, in 2011, Pisa, Italy, 2011. PDF icon [PDF] (485.18 KB)
A. Serio, Bianchi, M., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., The tactile toolbox, in Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2014 IEEE, Houston, TX, 2014.
A. Serio, Riccomini, E., Tartaglia, V., Sarakoglou, I., Gabiccini, M., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Bicchi, A., The Patched Intrinsic Tactile Object: a Tool to Investigate Human Grasps, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), Chicago, USA, 2014, pp. 1261 - 1268. PDF icon [PDF] (4.12 MB)
N. Sgambelluri, Scilingo, E. P., Rizzo, R., and Bicchi, A., The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progresses in Haptics Research, vol. 45/2008, A. Bicchi, Buss, M., Ernst, M., and Peer, A., Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp. 155-178. PDF icon [PDF] (563.96 KB)
N. Sgambelluri, Rizzo, R., Scilingo, E. P., Raugi, M., and Bicchi, A., Free Hand Haptic Interfaces Based on Magnetorheological Fluids, in Proc. 14th Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2006, pp. 367-371.
N. Sgambelluri, Scilingo, E. P., Bicchi, A., Rizzo, R., and Raugi, M., Advanced Modeling and preliminary psychophysical experiments for a free-hand haptic device, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robots and Intelligent Systems - IROS06, 2006, pp. 1558-1563. PDF icon [PDF] (1.08 MB)
N. Sgambelluri, Rizzo, R., Scilingo, E. P., Raugi, M., and Bicchi, A., Analysis and Design of a New Haptic Box Display Based on Magneto-Rheological Fluids, in Proc. Int. Conf. Eurohaptics 2004, Munich, Germany, 2004, pp. 442-445.
N. Sgambelluri, Valenza, G., Ferro, M., Pioggia, G., Scilingo, E. P., De Rossi, D., and Bicchi, A., An Artificial Neural Network approach for Haptic Discrimination in Minimally Invasive Surgery, in Robot and Human interactive Communication, 2007. RO-MAN 2007. The 16th IEEE International Symposium on, 2007, pp. 25–30.
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Ricciardi, E., Tognetti, A., Zupone, G., Gassert, R., Chapuis, D., Sgambelluri, N., Scilingo, E. P., Giovannetti, G., Positano, V., Santarelli, M. F., Bicchi, A., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., Sensing Glove for Brain Studies: Design and assessment of its Compatibility for fMRI with a Robust Test, IEEE - ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, pp. 345-354, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (624.92 KB)
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Zupone, G., Sgambelluri, N., Tognetti, A., Ricciardi, E., Scilingo, E. P., Bicchi, A., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., An MRI Compatibility Study of a Fabric Sensing Glove for Sensory-Motor Brain Activity Exploration, in The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, pp. 79-83.
N. Vanello, Ricciardi, E., Dente, D., Sgambelluri, N., Scilingo, E. P., Gentili, C., Sani, L., Positano, V., Santarelli, M. F., Guazzelli, M., Haxby, J. V., Landini, L., Bicchi, A., and Pietrini, P., Perception of Optic and Tactile Flow Both Activate V5/MT cortical complex in the human brain, in 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2004.
G. Vassura and Bicchi, A., Whole Hand Manipulation: Design of an Articulated Hand Exploiting All Its Parts To Increase Dexterity, in Robots and Biological Systems, P. Dario, Aebischer, P., and Sandini, G., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1993. PDF icon [PDF] (605.3 KB)
G. Vassura, Bicchi, A., and Tonielli, A., Sensorial Integration for a Robotic Dextrous Hand, in Proc. Int. Symp. on Measurement and Control in Robotics, Houston, Texas, USA, 1990. PDF icon [PDF] (1.22 MB)
