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Book Chapter
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Scilingo, E. P., Bonino, D., Ricciardi, E., Tognetti, A., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., Landini, L., and Bicchi, A., Immersive Multimodal Interactive Presence, in Immersive Multimodal Interactive Presence, LONDON – GBR: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 2012, pp. 215–228 [Online]. Available:
A. Balluchi, Souères, P., and Bicchi, A., Hybrid Feedback Control for Path Tracking by a Bounded-Curvature Vehicle, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. 2034, M. D. Di Benedetto and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. L., Eds. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 133-146. PDF icon [PDF] (474.83 KB)
G. Salvietti, Gioioso, G., Malvezzi, M., Prattichizzo, D., Serio, A., Farnioli, E., Gabiccini, M., Bicchi, A., Sarakoglou, I., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Caldwell, D. G., HANDS.DVI: A DeVice-Independent programming and control framework for robotic HANDS, in Gearing up and accelerating cross-fertilization between academic and industrial robotics research in Europe - Technology transfer experiments from the ECHORD project, vol. 94, 2014, pp. 197-215. PDF icon [PDF] (5.36 MB)
M. G. Catalano, Grioli, G., Farnioli, E., Serio, A., Bonilla, M., Garabini, M., Piazza, C., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., From Soft to Adaptive Synergies: The Pisa/IIT SoftHand, in Human and Robot Hands, vol. Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems, Springer, 2016. PDF icon [PDF] (10.22 MB)
M. Bianchi, Serio, A., Scilingo, E. P., and Bicchi, A., A Fabric-based Approach for Softness Rendering, in Multisensory Softness: Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information, vol. Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 219 - 240 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (20.39 MB)
A. Bicchi, Scilingo, E. P., and De Rossi, D., Experimental Validation of a Psychophysical Conjecture on a Simplified Model of the Haptic Perceptual Channel, in Robotics Research IX, Springer-Verlag, 2000. PDF icon [PDF] (389.53 KB)
A. Bicchi, An experimental study of performance and fault tolerance of a hybrid free-flight control scheme, in Robustness in Identification and Control, A. Garulli, Tesi, A., and Vicino, A., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1999, pp. 449-463. PDF icon [PDF] (521.83 KB)
A. Bicchi, Salisbury, J. K., and Brock, D. L., Experimental Evaluation of Friction Data with an Articulated Hand and Intrinsic Contact Sensors, in Experimental Robotics-III, R. Chatila and Hirzinger, G., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1993. PDF icon [PDF] (567.72 KB)
V. Hartwig, Cappelli, C., Vanello, N., Ricciardi, E., Scilingo, E. P., Giovannetti, G., Santarelli, M. F., Positano, V., Bicchi, A., Pietrini, P., and Landini, L., Electrocutaneous stimulation of skin mechanoreceptors for tactile studies with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, Medical Information Science, 2007, pp. 497 - 503.
A. Bicchi, Controllo, Teoria del, in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, XXI Secolo – Aggiornamento., Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana ``G. Treccani'', 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (64.78 KB)
A. Bicchi, Dario, P., and Pinotti, P. C., On the Control of a Sensorized Artificial Finger for Tactile Exploration of Objects, in Robot Control, L. Basanez, Ferrate, G., and Saridis, G. N., Eds. Oxford, U. K.: Pergamon Press Books, 1986, pp. 251-256.
D. Prattichizzo, Salisbury, J. K., and Bicchi, A., Contact and Grasp Robustness Measures: Analysis and Experiments, in Experimental Robotics-IV, O. Khatib and Salisbury, K., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1996. PDF icon [PDF] (198.04 KB)
E. P. Scilingo, Bianchi, M., Vanello, N., Hartwig, V., Landini, L., and Bicchi, A., Artificially Rendered Cutaneous Cues for a New Generation of Haptic Displays, in Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems - part 2, vol. Immersive Multimodal Interactive Presence, Springer, 2012, pp. 171 - 188. PDF icon 2012_SBVHLB_springer.pdf (1.9 MB)
A. Albu-Schaeffer and Bicchi, A., Actuators for Soft Robotics, in Springer Handbook of Robotics, vol. B, Springer, 2016, pp. 499-530 [Online]. Available:
