All information with regards to studying or collaborating with the University of Pisa can be found at the following page:


Visiting Professors

If you have been invited to give a seminar at our Centre, in order to prepare the documents for your talk, we need the following:

  1. Title and abstract of your seminar;
  2. Photo illustrating your talk for the poster;
  3. Copy of a photo ID (passport or national ID card);
  4. Italian Fiscal Code from the Italian consulate in your country, or at any Italian Tax Office (Agenzia delle Entrate). Here is a request form used at the Italian Tax Office.

Please send a copy of your Fiscal Code and photo ID to the Administrative Officer:


Doctoral Students from outside Europe

If you have been granted a fellowship, you need to obtain a Student Visa from your Country of origin released by the Italian Embassy or Consulate.

Documents necessary for the Visa:

  1. Student Visa Request form
  2. Recent passport photo
  3. Passport or Travel ID Card that has a duration of more than 3 months than the period of stay
  4. Proof of housing in Italy
  5. Receipt of registration in the Doctoral program
  6. Health insurance, if you do not have a right to the National Italian Health Service (Usl). Otherwise you will pay a fee for this once in Italy.
  7. Access to funds amounting to at least €448,52/month for each month of the academic year (through personal or family bank accounts, fellowships or contracts with Italian of Foreign accredited Agencies).

Once you are in Italy, you must apply for your Permit of Stay or Permesso di Soggiorno.

For more information on the Permit of Stay please visit the University of Pisa webpage.


Research, Technical and Other Collaborations

If you have been offered a contract to collaborate with our Centre, you need to obtain a Research Visa from your country of origin from the Italian Embassy or Consulate as well as a Nulla Osta or Permission from the Italian competent offices.

In order to complete the procedure, please send the following documents to the Centre Administrative Office;

  1. Copy of your Passport;
  2. Document stating your place of birth and residence;
  3. Proof of your housing in Pisa.

Procedure for obtaining the Nulla Osta in order to receive the Research Visa:

  1. The University of Pisa through the Centro di Ricerca “E. Piaggio” must stipulate a Welcome Convention or Convenzione d’Accoglienza with the researcher. This document can be signed electronically and sent by email to our Administrative Office;
  2. The Administration Office Centro di Ricerca “E. Piaggio” will take care of sending the needed information to the Prefettura through the appropriate web portal.
  3. The Italian Consulate or Embassy in your Country of origin will receive the information from the Italian Prefettura and will issue the Research Visa.
  4. Within 8 days of arriving in Italy, you must go to the Prefettura of Pisa with the original documents and subsequent tax stamps or marche da bollo to obtain the hard copy of the Nulla Osta.
  5. Once you have this document, you will be instructed on how to apply for your Permit of Stay or Permesso di Soggiorno, which is done at any Post Office.
  6. The Questura of Pisa will issue the Permit of Stay within 45 days from the application date; the Permit of Stay will last for the duration of the collaboration as stated in the Welcome Convention.
  7. Should a renewal of your contract and subsequent Welcome Convention be required, please see the Administration Office at the very least one month before expiration.


For further information or clarification please contact the University of Pisa Welcome Office.