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Journal Article
L. R. Wang, Dario, P., De Rossi, D., Francesconi, R., and Pinotti, P. C., Pyroelectric sensing station for automatic recognition of position and orientation of objects, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOL DESIGN & RESEARCH, vol. 24, pp. 145–160, 1984.
P. Dario, De Rossi, D., Bedini, R., Francesconi, R., and Tivella, M. G., PVF2 Catheter-tip transducers for pressure, sound and flow measurement, FERROELECTRICS, vol. 60, pp. 149–162, 1984.
N. Carbonaro, Cipresso, P., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., De Rossi, D., Pallavicini, F., Gaggioli, A., and Riva, G., Psychometric Assessment of Cardio-Respiratory Activity Using a Mobile Platform, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HANDHELD COMPUTING RESEARCH, vol. 5, pp. 13–29, 2014.
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P. Dario, Richardson, P. D., Bertoncini, M., De Rossi, D., Trudell, L. A., and Galletti, P. M., Prosthetic vascular graft monitoring by ultrasound using piezoelectric polymers (PZP), TRANSACTIONS - AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ARTIFICIAL INTERNAL ORGANS, vol. 30, p. –, 1984.
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F. Carlucci, Puntoni, P., ARISPICI, M., Cecconi, M., Domenici, C., Dario, P., and De Rossi, D., Prime esperienze sull'impiego di un polimero piezoelettrico (PVF2) nella riparazione di fratture sperimentali nel ratto, ANNALI DELLE FACOLTÃ? DI MEDICINA VETERINARIA, vol. 34, pp. 47–60, 1984.
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E. Rosellini, Cristallini, C., Barbani, N., Vozzi, G., and Giusti, P., Preparation and characterization of alginate/gelatin blend films for cardiac tissue engineering, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH. PART A, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 447-453, 2009.
V. Catrambone, Greco, A., Averta, G., Bianchi, M., Valenza, G., and Scilingo, E. Pasquale, Predicting object-mediated gestures from brain activity: an EEG study on gender differences, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 27, pp. 411–418, 2019.
G. Valenza, Nardelli, M., Gentili, C., Bertschy, G., Kosel, M., and Scilingo, E. P., Predicting Mood Changes in Bipolar Disorder through Heartbeat Nonlinear Dynamics, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016.
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D. De Rossi, Carpi, F., and Scilingo, E. P., Polymers based interfaces as bioninspired 'smart skins', Advances in Colloids and Interface Science, vol. 116, pp. 165-178, 2005.
L. Ricotti, Gori, G., Cei, D., Costa, J., Signore, G., and Ahluwalia, A., Polymeric microporous nanofilms as smart platforms for in vitro assessment of nanoparticle translocation and Caco-2 cell culture, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience , 2016 [Online]. Available:
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C. Domenici, De Rossi, D., Nannini, A., and Verni, R., Piezoelectric properties and dielectric losses in PVDF-PMMA blends, FERROELECTRICS, vol. 60, pp. 61–70, 1984.
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C. Castellini, Artemiadis, P., Wininger, M., A. Ajoudani, Alimusaj, M., Bicchi, A., Caputo, B., Craelius, W., Dosen, S., Englehart, K., Farina, D., Gijsberts, A., Godfrey, S. B., Hargrove, L., Ison, M., Kuiken, T., Markovic, M., Pilarski, P. M., Rupp, R., and Scheme, E., Peripheral Machine Interfaces: going beyond traditional surface electromyography, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 8, no. 22, pp. 1 - 17, 2014.
E. P. Scilingo, Gemignani, A., Paradiso, R., Taccini, N., Ghelarducci, B., and De Rossi, D., Performance evaluation of Sensing Fabrics for Monitoring Physiological and Biomechanical Variables, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, vol. 9, pp. 345-352, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (1.54 MB)
