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Journal Article
A. Moscatelli, Bianchi, M., Ciotti, S., Bettelani, G. C., Parise, C. V., Lacquaniti, F., and Bicchi, A., Touch as an auxiliary proprioceptive cue for movement control, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics , 2019. PDF icon eaaw3121.full_.pdf (548.14 KB)
A. Moscatelli, Bianchi, M., Ciotti, S., Bettelani, G. C., Parise, C. V., Lacquaniti, F., and Bicchi, A., Touch as an auxiliary proprioceptive cue for movement control, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics , 2019. PDF icon eaaw3121.full_.pdf (548.14 KB)
A. Moscatelli, Bianchi, M., Ciotti, S., Bettelani, G. C., Parise, C. V., Lacquaniti, F., and Bicchi, A., Touch as an auxiliary proprioceptive cue for movement control, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics , 2019. PDF icon eaaw3121.full_.pdf (548.14 KB)
P. Dario, Bardelli, R., De Rossi, D., Wang, L. R., and Pinotti, P. C., Touch-sensitive polymer skin uses piezoelectric properties to recognize orientation of objects, SENSOR REVIEW, vol. 4, pp. 194–198, 1982.
V. Catrambone, Averta, G., Bianchi, M., and Valenza, G., Toward brain–heart computer interfaces: a study on the classification of upper limb movements using multisystem directional estimates, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 18, p. 046002, 2021.
R. Filippini, Sen, S., and Bicchi, A., Toward Soft Robot you can Depend on, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 15, pp. 31 - 41, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (1.25 MB)
A. Bicchi, Fagiolini, A., and Pallottino, L., Towards a Society of Robots: Behaviors, Misbehaviors, and Security, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 17, pp. 26 - 36, 2010. PDF icon [PDF] (783.04 KB)
C. Della Santina, Piazza, C., Grioli, G., Catalano, M. G., and Bicchi, A., Towards Dexterous Manipulation with Augmented Adaptive Synergies: the Pisa/IIT SoftHand 2, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. Early Access, 2018. PDF icon softhand2_tro-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf (2.04 MB)
D. De Rossi, Bardelli, R., Dario, P., Domenici, C., and Pedrini, F., Trasduttori acustici a polimeri piezoelettrici, RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ACUSTICA, vol. 4, pp. 121–141, 1982.
F. Di Francesco, Ferrari, F., Moni, L., Melai, B., Bernazzania, L., and Chiappe, C., Tuning of the freezing and melting points of [Hmim][NO3] by the addition of water and nitrate salts , RSC Advances, vol. 4, pp. 40407 - 40413, 2014.
M. Laghi, Ajoudani, A., Catalano, M. G., and Bicchi, A., Unifying bilateral teleoperation and tele-impedance for enhanced user experience, International Journal of Robotics Research, 2019 [Online]. Available: icon laghi_tift2_ijrr2019.pdf (5.32 MB)
G. Averta, C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Felici, F., Bianchi, M., and Bicchi, A., Unvealing the principal modes of human upper limb movements through functional analysis, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 4, p. 37, 2017. PDF icon frobt-04-00037-4.pdf (11.51 MB)
G. Averta, C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Felici, F., Bianchi, M., and Bicchi, A., Unvealing the principal modes of human upper limb movements through functional analysis, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 4, p. 37, 2017. PDF icon frobt-04-00037-4.pdf (11.51 MB)
G. Averta, C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Felici, F., Bianchi, M., and Bicchi, A., Unvealing the principal modes of human upper limb movements through functional analysis, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 4, p. 37, 2017. PDF icon frobt-04-00037-4.pdf (11.51 MB)
E. L. Secco, Curone, D., Tognetti, A., Bonfiglio, A., and Magenes, G., Validation of Smart Garments for Physiological and Activity-Related Monitoring of Humans in Harsh Environment, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 2, pp. 189–196, 2012 [Online]. Available:
B. Vanderborght, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Ganesh, G., Garabini, M., Grebenstein, M., Grioli, G., Haddadin, S., Hoppner, H., Jafari, A., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Petit, F., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Visser, L. C., and Wolf, S., Variable Impedance Actuators: a Review, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 1601–1614, 2013 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.28 MB)
B. Vanderborght, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Ganesh, G., Garabini, M., Grebenstein, M., Grioli, G., Haddadin, S., Hoppner, H., Jafari, A., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Petit, F., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Visser, L. C., and Wolf, S., Variable Impedance Actuators: a Review, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 1601–1614, 2013 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.28 MB)
S. Wolf, Grioli, G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Hoppner, H., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Vanderborght, B., Visser, L. C., Bicchi, A., and Albu-Schaeffer, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: Review on Design and Components, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 2418 - 2430, 2016 [Online]. Available:
S. Wolf, Grioli, G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Hoppner, H., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Vanderborght, B., Visser, L. C., Bicchi, A., and Albu-Schaeffer, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: Review on Design and Components, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 2418 - 2430, 2016 [Online]. Available:
G. Grioli, Wolf, S., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Vanderborght, B., Albu-Schaeffer, A., and Bicchi, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: the user’s point of view, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 727-743, 2015 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (2.09 MB)
G. Grioli, Wolf, S., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Vanderborght, B., Albu-Schaeffer, A., and Bicchi, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: the user’s point of view, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 727-743, 2015 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (2.09 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Danesi, A., Belo, F. A. W., Salaris, P., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing in the Large, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, pp. 802 - 814, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (2 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Danesi, A., Belo, F. A. W., Salaris, P., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing in the Large, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, pp. 802 - 814, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (2 MB)
N. G. Tsagarakis, Caldwell, D. G., Negrello, F., Choi, W., Baccelliere, L., Loc, V. G., Noorden, J., Muratore, L., Margan, A., Cardellino, A., Natale, L., E. Hoffman, M., Dallali, H., Kashiri, N., Malzahn, J., Lee, J., Kryczka, P., Kanoulas, D., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Ferrati, M., Varricchio, V., Pallottino, L., Pavan, C., Bicchi, A., Settimi, A., Rocchi, A., and A. Ajoudani, WALK-MAN: A High-Performance Humanoid Platform for Realistic Environments, Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1 - 34, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (5.74 MB)
N. G. Tsagarakis, Caldwell, D. G., Negrello, F., Choi, W., Baccelliere, L., Loc, V. G., Noorden, J., Muratore, L., Margan, A., Cardellino, A., Natale, L., E. Hoffman, M., Dallali, H., Kashiri, N., Malzahn, J., Lee, J., Kryczka, P., Kanoulas, D., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Ferrati, M., Varricchio, V., Pallottino, L., Pavan, C., Bicchi, A., Settimi, A., Rocchi, A., and A. Ajoudani, WALK-MAN: A High-Performance Humanoid Platform for Realistic Environments, Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1 - 34, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (5.74 MB)
A. Giannini, Bianchi, M., Doria, D., Fani, S., Caretto, M., Bicchi, A., and Simoncini, T., Wearable haptic interfaces for applications in gynecologic robotic surgery: a proof of concept in robotic myomectomy., Journal of Robotic Surgery , 2019. PDF icon giannini2019_article_wearablehapticinterfacesforapp.pdf (584.04 KB)
A. Giannini, Bianchi, M., Doria, D., Fani, S., Caretto, M., Bicchi, A., and Simoncini, T., Wearable haptic interfaces for applications in gynecologic robotic surgery: a proof of concept in robotic myomectomy., Journal of Robotic Surgery , 2019. PDF icon giannini2019_article_wearablehapticinterfacesforapp.pdf (584.04 KB)
G. Valenza, Nardelli, M., Lanata, A., Gentili, C., Bertschy, G., Paradiso, R., and Scilingo, E. P., Wearable Monitoring for Mood Recognition in Bipolar Disorder based on History-Dependent Long-Term Heart Rate Variability Analysis, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2014.
M. Laghi, Catalano, M. G., Grioli, G., and Bicchi, A., A wearable wrist haptic display for motion tracking and force feedback in the operational space, Wearable Technologies, vol. 2, 2021. PDF icon a-wearable-wrist-haptic-display-for-motion-tracking-and-force-feedback-in-the-operational-space.pdf (4.67 MB)
S. Fani, Ciotti, S., Battaglia, E., Moscatelli, A., and Bianchi, M., W-FYD: a Wearable Fabric-based Display for Haptic Multi-Cue Delivery and Tactile Augmented Reality, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 304 - 316, 2018 [Online]. Available: icon fani2018.pdf (990.54 KB)
