TitlePreliminary Implementation of Context-Aware Attention System for Humanoid Robots
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsZaraki, A, Mazzei, D, Lazzeri, N, Pieroni, M, De Rossi, D
Book TitleBiomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Proc. Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013)
Series VolumeLecture Notes in Computer Science

A context-aware attention system is fundamental for regulating the robot behaviour in a social interaction since it enables social robots to actively select the right environmental stimuli at the right time during a multiparty social interaction. This contribution presents a modular context-aware attention system which drives the robot gaze. It is composed by two modules: the scene analyzer module manages incoming data flow and provides a human-like understanding of the information coming from the surrounding environment; the attention module allows the robot to select the most important target in the perceived scene on the base of a computational model. After describing the motivation, we report the proposed system and the preliminary test.
