TitleDesign and Realization of the CUFF - Clenching Upper-Limb Force Feedback Wearable Device for Distributed Mechano-Tactile Stimulation of Normal and Tangential Skin Forces
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
Conference NameIEEE International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS2015
Pagination1186 - 1193
AuthorsCasini, S, Morvidoni, M, Bianchi, M, Catalano, MG, Grioli, G, Bicchi, A
Conference LocationHamburg, Germany, 28 Sept - 2 Oct 2015

Rendering forces to the user is one of the main goals of haptic technology. While most force-feedback interfaces are robotic manipulators, attached to a fixed frame and designed to exert forces on the users while being moved, more recent haptic research introduced two novel important ideas. On one side, cutaneous stimulation aims at rendering haptic stimuli at the level of the skin, with a distributed, rather than, concentrated approach. On the other side, wearable haptics focuses on highly portable and mobile devices, which can be carried and worn by the user as the haptic equivalent of an mp3 player. This paper presents a light and simple wearable device (CUFF) for the distributed mechano-tactile stimulation of the user’s arm skin with pressure and stretch cues, related to normal and tangential forces, respectively. The working principle and the mechanical and control implementation of the CUFF device are presented. Then, after a basic functional validation, a first application of the device is shown, where it is used to render the grasping force of a robotic hand (the Pisa/IIT SoftHand). Preliminary results show that the device is capable to deliver in a reliable manner grasping force information, thus eliciting a good softness discrimination in users and enhancing the overall grasping experience.


The authors want to thank Cosimo della Santina, Andrea Di Basco, Riccardo Persichini and Fabio Bonomo for their really valuable support in the development of the hardware prototype. This work is supported in part by the European Research Council under the Advanced Grant SoftHands “A Theory of Soft Synergies for a New Generation of Artificial Hands” (no. ERC-291166), and by the EU FP7 project (no. 601165) “WEARable HAPtics for Humans and Robots (WEARHAP)

Refereed DesignationRefereed
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