

Feel-ING s.r.l. develops and implements innovative products and services with high technological value, in particular:

  • design and development of hardware and software systems and algorithms for monitoring and advance analysis of biomedical data, psychophysiological and behavioral variables;
  • research, development and application of ICT systems in the bioengineering field;
  • theoretical and applied research in the bioengineering field, and its commercialization and dissemination;

Materiali Intelligenti

The aim of the course is to establish an understanding and appreciation of intelligent materials and their applications in biomedical engineering, and to develop design skills related to biomedical systems that can include smart materials.

Documentation and slides are in the 'Material'  tab.

INFO SU ESAMI: vedere tab info



Laboratorio di Tecnologie Biomediche

Il modulo di Laboratorio di Tecnologie Biomediche (6CFU) ha lo scopo di abilitare lo studente nella realizzazione di prototipi elettromeccanici per applicazioni biomediche. Saranno trattati i seguenti argomenti:

UBORA - Euro-African Open Biomedical Engineering e-Platform for Innovation through Education

The project aims at creating an EU-Africa e-Infrastructure, UBORA, for open source co-design of new solutions to face the current and future healthcare challenges of both continents, by exploiting networking, knowledge on rapid prototyping of new ideas and sharing of safety criteria and performance data. The e-Infrastructure will foster advances in education and the development of innovative solutions in Biomedical Engineering (BME), both of which are flywheels for European and African economies.

NEVERMIND - NEurobehavioral predictiVE and peRsonalized Modeling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Disorders through ICT-enabled, self-management procedures

Personal health systems for the management of chronic diseases have seen giant leaps in development over recent years. These systems offer vital sign monitoring and therapy delivery at home, focusing on the primary physical disease conditions. However, they do not provide support for early mood assessment or psychological treatment and lack a real-time comprehensive assessment of the patient’s mental status.


The aim of DATABRAIN is to elucidate and hardprint the 3D  microarchitecture of the neurons in their native environment using high resolution imaging techniques. Our long term goal is to understand the significance and microstructural basis of sexual dimorphism  in autism and other brain disorders integrating biomedical engineering  knowledge. The project is funded by the University of Pisa (PRA2016), housed at the Department of Information Engineering and, given its multidisciplinary nature, implemented at this research center. 

Micro & Nanobioscopy

Docente: Arti Ahluwalia

Lo scopo del corso è di approfondire aspetti tecnologici, teorici e sperimentali di ottica geometrica, microscopia e fluorescenza applicati allo studio di fenomeni biologici e biomedicali con particolare riguardo a luce visibile, infra rosso e ultra violetto.


IMPORTANTE!!!! Appelli invernali

- 14/01/2019, dalle 14.30 alle 16.30, aula SI6
- 28/01/2019 dalle 8.30 alle 10.30, aula SI6
- 11/02/2019 dalle 8.30 alle 10.30, aula SI6

