Automation and Robotics

Miningful Studio

Miningful specializes in the development of predictive analytics. Our products make use of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Big Data Analysis to process unbiased data. Our innovative approach to predictive analytics connects all its practical and algorithmic aspects: data collection and management; implementation costs, resources and timing; Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; results usability and scalability, and company philosophy.

SENSEI:SEgmentation of Neurons using Standard and SupEr-resolution mIcroscopy

SENSEI is a Human Brain Project Partnering Project. Its objectives are to accurately quantify neuronal morphology at tissue and molecular levels through the development of intelligent segmentation-based image processing algorithms and to improve the quality of neuronal imaging using new membrane probes for conventional and emerging super-resolution imaging technologies. Specifically, we will develop an algorithm for isolating single neurons or smaller neuronal structures from 3D datasets representing the intricacies of the brain micro-structure.

NI: Natural Intelligence for Robotic Monitoring of Habitats

Global warming and pollution pose significant threats to the environment. Most of the policies put forward aim to restore and preserve ecosystems by increasing the coverage of protected biodiversity-rich land and sea areas, building on the Natura 2000 network. The EU-funded NI project aims to serve the European Green Deal via monitoring the natural habitats belonging to the network with robots able to effectively move in dunes, grasslands, forests and alpine terrains.

DARKO: Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn and Optimise Knowledge and Operations

Key to agile production is efficient flow of material, also known as intralogistics. Although very promising as a flexible component in intralogistics chains, robotics has not yet found its way into agile production. Especially for operation alongside humans, current robots lack the required high degree of flexibility, capability, cost-effectiveness and safety. The EU-funded DARKO project is developing cutting-edge agile production robots with energy-efficient elastic actuators to execute highly dynamic motions (throwing, picking and placing while in motion).

Proxima Robotics

Proxima Robotics' mission is to develop the next generation of robots. Why 'Proxima'? Because robots will be getting closer to us in time and space: this revolution is happening now, in our homes and at work. Our company is mainly interested in logistics and service applications, but also in entertainment robotics and exploration of extreme environments. The great variability of applications is possible thanks to our design method: using a common basis for all robots to make them more autonomous, friendly, safe and highly customizable.

ILIAD - Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces

Today, intralogistic services have to respond to changing market needs, unforeseeable trends and shorter product life cycles. Intralogistic systems have be flexible, reliable, self-optimising, quickly deployable and safe yet efficient in environments shared with humans. ILIAD will enable the transition to automation of intralogistic services with key stakeholders from the food distribution sector.
