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Enzo Pasquale Scilingo

Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Ph.D. received the Laurea Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy and the in Bioengineering from the University of Milan, in 1995 and 1998 respectively. For two years he has been postdoctoral fellow with the Italian National Research Council and for two years post-doctoral fellow at Information Engineering Department of the University of Pisa. He is now full Professor in Electronic and Information Bioengineering at the University of Pisa.
Academic History
- 2021 – to date Delegate to Research of the Director of the Department of Information Engineering
- 2020 - to date Coordinator of the PhD program Smart Industry jointly organized by University of Pisa, University of Florence and University of Siena, since 17th December
- 2018 – to date Full professor, University of Pisa, SSD ING/ING 06 since 1st May
- 2018 – to date Coordinator of the laboratory Augmented and virtual reality at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa
- 2015-2017 Vice Director Centro di Ricerca “E. Piaggio” from November 2015 to January 2017.
- 2018 – to date Coordinator of the laboratory Biolab at the at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa
- 2013- 2018 Associate Professor, Università di Pisa, SSD ING/ING 06 from 1st February to 30rd April.
- 2006-2013 Assistant Professor, Università di Pisa, from 1st January, 2006 to 31st January, 2013.
- 1999 PhD in Bioegnineering at the Politecnico of Milano.
- 1995 Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy.
Research and Work Activities
Currently, he is pursuing his research work mainly at the Research Center “E. Piaggio”. He has several teaching activities, he is supervisor of several PhD students and he is leading the laboratory Biolab at the Information Engineering Department. He coordinated a European project EC-FP7-ICT-247777 “PSYCHE-Personalised monitoring SYstems for Care in mental Health”, and he is currently coordinating the European project H2020-PHC-2015-689691 NEVERMIND - NEurobehavioural predictiVE and peRsonalised Modelling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Diseases with ICT-enabled self-management procedures and is going to coordinate the proposal H2020-FETPROACT-2018-01- 824153 POTION - Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours.
His main research interests are in wearable monitoring systems, human-computer interfaces, biomedical and biomechanical signal processing, modelling, control and instrumentation. He is author of more than 150 papers on peer-review journals, contributions to international conferences and chapters in international books. He is co-author of three books edited by Springer. He is currently serving as reviewer to many international journals and as member of Program and Scientific Committees of yearly international conferences. He is Editor in Chief of "Bioelectronics" in Electronics and member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Plos One, Scientific Reports – Nature, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Frontiers in Robotics and AI section Bionics and Biomimetics, Frontiers in Neuroscience section Neural technology, Complexity, ETRI Journal.