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Simone Fani

Simone Fani
PhD Student
Centro di Ricerca "E.Piaggio", Università di Pisa
Simone Fani is currently a Post-doc in Robotic and Automation Engineering at Research Centre E. Piaggio of University of Pisa, Italy, affiliated also with the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova, Italy, within the Soft Robotics for Human Cooperation and Rehabilitation Research Line. He received his bachelor degree in Information Engineering, curriculum in Automatic Systems and Industrial Automation, at the University of Siena in 2011, and his master degree in Robotics and Automation Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2015.
In 2019 he spent a period of his PhD abroad, at the ReTouch Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara, California (USA), run by Professor Yon Visell. During this period he worked on the study of vibration propagation in the forearm of healthy subjects in order to optimize the high frequency feedback from prosthetic devices.
His research interests include design, assessment and validation of haptic interfaces for prosthetics, tele-operation systems, medical and rehabilitation robotics, and mathematical modeling of the sense of touch.