Carmelo De Maria

Carmelo De Maria is Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the Department of Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa, and affiliated with the Research Center “E. Piaggio”. He is guest professor in bioengineering at Addis Ababa University, and member of the African Biomedical Engineering Consortium secretariat. His research interests are in the field of additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping technologies, with a particular focus in Biofabrication. He has several papers published in international scientific journals (over 50) and in 2016 he received the 1st award as Young Investigator from the International Society for Biofabrication. De Maria is involved in the technical coordination of the UBORA EU project (GA 731053), Biomembrane (M.ERA-net), and KERAPACK (MANUNET). He is co-founder and president of the FabLab Pisa.

Curriculum Vitae: