ACTIBIO - Unobtrusive Authentication Using Activity Related and Soft Biometrics

ACTIBIO will research and develop a completely new concept in biometric authentication: the extraction of multi-modal biometric signatures based on the response of the user to specific stimuli, while performing specific but natural work-related activities. The novelty of the approach lies in the fact that the biometric measurements will correspond to the response of the person to specific events being however, fully unobtrusive and fully integrated in an Ambient Intelligence infrastructure.

CONET- Cooperating Objects NETwork of excellence

CONET, the Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence, is a EU-funded project under ICT, Framework 7. The CONet project started on June 1st, 2008 and has a duration of 4 years, with a total funding of 4 Mio. EUR.

The CONET Consortium is working on building a strong Community in the area of Cooperating Objects including research, public sector and industry partners from the areas of embedded systems, pervasive computing and wireless sensor networks.

CEEDs - The Collective Experience of Empathic Data Systems

In a wide range of specialist areas – such as astronomy, neuroscience, archaeology, history and economics – experts need to make sense of and find meaning in very large and complex data sets.  Finding meaningful patterns in these large data sets is challenging.  By comparison, looking for a needle in a haystack could seem pretty simple!  Foraging for meaning in large data sets is a bottleneck that is becoming more challenging as scientific research creates and works with bigger and bigger data sets (the data deluge).

ECHORD - European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development [Experiment HANDS.DVI]

With the competition in robotics ever increasing, (especially between Japan and Europe), cutting-edge technology will be the decisive factor which determines success. We believe Europe can achieve the “cutting-edge” advantage through a very close collaboration of robot manufacturers and research institutes. Thus, ECHORD’s overall objective is to encourage and support Europe’s robot industry to bring technology forward and to build up excellence in well-defined areas.

SAPHARI - Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction

Recent progress in physical Human‐Robot Interaction (pHRI) research showed in principle that human and robots can actively and safely share a common workspace. The fundamental breakthrough that enabled these results was the human-centered design of robot mechanics and control. This made it possible to limit potential injuries due to unintentional contacts.
