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G. MANTOVANI, PIFFERI, M., and Vozzi, G., Automated software for analysis of ciliary beat frequency and metachronal wave orientation in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY, 2010.
E. Giannessi, Coli, A., Stornelli, M. R., Miragliotta, V., Pirone, A., Lenzi, C., Burchielli, S., Vozzi, G., De Maria, C., and Giorgetti, M., An Autologously Generated Platelet-Rich Plasma Suturable Membrane May Enhance Peripheral Nerve Regeneration after Neurorraphy in an Acute Injury Model of Sciatic Nerve Neurotmesis, Journal of reconstructive microsurgery, 2014.
G. MANTOVANI, Guzzardi, M. A., RAGAZZO, V., PIFFERI, M., and Vozzi, G., Analisi del battito ciliare nella discinesia ciliare tramite algoritmi di motion detection, in Discinesie ciliarie e malattie respiratorie croniche del bambino: dalla diagnosi differenziale alla qualità  della vita, 14-15 March 2008, Pisa, Italy, 2008, p. –.
A. Micheloni, Orsi, G., De Maria, C., and Vozzi, G., ADMET: ADipocyte METabolism mathematical model, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, pp. 1–6, 2014.
A. Micheloni, Orsi, G., De Maria, C., and Vozzi, G., ADMET: ADipocyte METabolism mathematical model, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, vol. 18(13), pp. 1386 -1391, 2015.
V. RESTA, NOVELLI, E., Vozzi, G., SCARPA, C., CALEO, M., Ahluwalia, A., SOLINI, A., SANTINI, E., PARISI, V., DI VIRGILIO, F., and GALLI-RESTA, L., Acute retinal ganglion cell injury caused by intraocular pressure spikes is mediated by endogenous extracellular ATP, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 25, pp. 2741–2754, 2007.
M. Carrabba and Vozzi, G., 3D SOFT-MI: novel microfabrication method of 3D molecular imprinted structures, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 132 - 133.
