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N. Sgambelluri, Rizzo, R., Scilingo, E. P., Raugi, M., and Bicchi, A., Free Hand Haptic Interfaces Based on Magnetorheological Fluids, in Proc. 14th Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2006, pp. 367-371.
A. Balluchi, Bicchi, A., Mazzi, E., Vincentelli, S. A., and Serra, G., Hybrid Modelling and Control of the Common Rail Injection System, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2006, vol. 3927 / 2006, pp. 79-92. PDF icon [PDF] (856.77 KB)
A. Balluchi, Bicchi, A., Mazzi, E., Vincentelli, S. A., and Serra, G., Hybrid Modelling and Control of the Common Rail Injection System, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2006, vol. 3927 / 2006, pp. 79-92. PDF icon [PDF] (856.77 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Improving efficiency of finite plans by optimal choice of input sets, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2006, vol. 3927 / 2006, pp. 108-122. PDF icon [PDF] (444.83 KB)
E. P. Scilingo, Sgambelluri, N., and Bicchi, A., Minimally Invasive Therapies & Novel Embedded Technology Systems, in ARISER 2006 Augmented Reality in Surgery, S. Casciaro and Distante, A., Eds. 2006, pp. 133-142. PDF icon [PDF] (405.52 KB)
G. Tonietti, Schiavi, R., and Bicchi, A., Optimal Mechanical/Control Design for Safe and Fast Robotics, in Experimental Robotics IX: The 9th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, vol. 21, O. K. Marcelo H. Ang, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 311 - 320. PDF icon [PDF] (258.85 KB)
G. Boccadamo, Schiavi, R., Sen, S., Tonietti, G., and Bicchi, A., Optimization and Fail-Safety Analysis of Antagonistic Actuation for pHRI, in European Robotics Symposium 2006, vol. 22, H. Christensen, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 109 - 118. PDF icon [PDF] (394.22 KB)
G. Boccadamo, Schiavi, R., Sen, S., Tonietti, G., and Bicchi, A., Optimization and Fail-Safety Analysis of Antagonistic Actuation for pHRI, in European Robotics Symposium 2006, vol. 22, H. Christensen, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 109 - 118. PDF icon [PDF] (394.22 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Practical stabilization of LTI SISO systems under assigned Input and Output quantization, presented at the July, 2006, pp. 353-358.
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Probabilistic verification of a decentralized policy for conflict resolution in multi-agent systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 2448-2453. PDF icon [PDF] (351.44 KB)
R. Alami, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Guiochet, J., Hirzinger, G., Ingrand, F., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Powell, D., Sen, S., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Safe and Dependable Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: State of the Art and Challenges, in Proc. IROS'06 Workshop on pHRI - Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains, 2006.
R. Alami, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Guiochet, J., Hirzinger, G., Ingrand, F., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Powell, D., Sen, S., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Safe and Dependable Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: State of the Art and Challenges, in Proc. IROS'06 Workshop on pHRI - Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains, 2006.
R. Alami, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Guiochet, J., Hirzinger, G., Ingrand, F., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Powell, D., Sen, S., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Safe and Dependable Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: State of the Art and Challenges, in Proc. IROS'06 Workshop on pHRI - Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains, 2006.
A. Danesi, Fagiolini, A., Savino, I., Pallottino, L., Schiavi, R., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., A scalable platform for safe and secure decentralized traffic management of multiagent mobile systems, in ACM Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (353.65 KB)
A. Danesi, Savino, I. M., Schiavi, R., Bicchi, A., and Dini, G., Security and Advanced Control Issues in a Robotic Platform for Monitoring and Relief, in Proc. of EWSN 2006 February 13-15, ETH Zurich, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (89.03 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Greco, L., Bicchi, A., Piccoli, B., and Marigo, A., Symbolic Control for Underactuated Differentially Flat Systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 1649-1654. PDF icon [PDF] (403.38 KB)
A. Bicchi, Caiti, A., Fontanelli, D., Greco, L., and Viviani, R., Adaptive nonlinear control of dynamic mobile robots with parameters uncertainty. Dipartimento di Sistemi Elettrici e Automazione, Università di Pisa, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (373.68 KB)
A. Bicchi, Raugi, M., Rizzo, R., and Sgambelluri, N., Analysis and Design of an Electromagnetic System for the Characterization of Magneto-Rheological Fluids for Haptic Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 41, pp. 1876 - 1879, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (968.45 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Control synthesis for practical stabilization of quantized linear systems, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, Control Theory and Stabil., I, vol. 63, pp. 397–410, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (177.06 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Cooperative Conflict Resolution for Multiple Nonholonomic Vehicles, in Proc. AIAA COnf. on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (2.21 MB)
G. Tonietti, Schiavi, R., and Bicchi, A., Design and Control of a Variable Stiffness Actuator for Safe and Fast Physical Human/Robot Interaction, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 528-533. PDF icon [PDF] (444.21 KB)
D. Dente, Scilingo, E. P., Sgambelluri, N., and Bicchi, A., Does Active Exploration Suppress Tactile Flow Perception?, in Proc. First World Haptics Conference, 2005, pp. 660-661. PDF icon [PDF] (409.59 KB)
A. Bicchi and Scilingo, E. P., Flusso tattile ed illusione sensoriale, in SINC, Congresso nazionale della Societ, Roma, Italy, 2005, pp. 245-249.
A. Balestrino, Bicchi, A., Caiti, A., Calabrò, V., Cecchini, T., Coppelli, A., Pallottino, L., and Tonietti, G., From tele-laboratory to e-learning in automation curricula at the university of Pisa, in Proc. IFAC World Congress, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (400.38 KB)
A. Balestrino, Bicchi, A., Caiti, A., Calabrò, V., Cecchini, T., Coppelli, A., Pallottino, L., and Tonietti, G., From tele-laboratory to e-learning in automation curricula at the university of Pisa, in Proc. IFAC World Congress, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (400.38 KB)
A. Bicchi, Greco, G., Guiggiani, M., and Tonietti, G., Hybrid Modelling of an Electronically Controlled Limited Slip Differential, presented at the 8-10 September, 2005.
L. Palopoli, Pinello, C., Bicchi, A., and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. L., Maximizing the stability radius of a set of systems under real-time scheduling constraints, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 50, pp. 1790–1795, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (263.12 KB)
P. Pietrini, Ricciardi, E., Gentili, C., Bonino, D., Vanello, N., Sani, L., Danti, S., Guazzelli, M., Bicchi, A., and Vecchi, T. E., Oltre le immagini sensoriali: la rappresentazione degli oggetti nella via visiva ventrale, Neurological Sciences, vol. 26, pp. S81–S83, 2005.
P. Pietrini, Ricciardi, E., Gentili, C., Bonino, D., Vanello, N., Sani, L., Danti, S., Guazzelli, M., Bicchi, A., and Vecchi, T. E., Oltre le immagini sensoriali: la rappresentazione degli oggetti nella via visiva ventrale, Neurological Sciences, vol. 26, pp. S81–S83, 2005.
A. Bicchi, Caiti, A., Pallottino, L., and Tonietti, G., On-line Robotic Experiments for Tele-Education at the University of Pisa, Int. Journal of Robotic Systems, vol. 22, pp. 217-230, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (746.25 KB)
