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A. Fagiolini, Belo, F. A. W., Catalano, M. G., Alicino, S., Bonomo, F., and Bicchi, A., Design and Control of a Novel 3D Casting Manipulator, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2010), Anchorage, Alaska, 2010, pp. 4169 - 4174. PDF icon [PDF] (5.98 MB)
L. Greco, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Design and Stability Analysis for Anytime Control via Stochastic Scheduling, IEEE Trans. on Automat. Contr., vol. 56, pp. 571 - 585, 2011. PDF icon [PDF] (1.08 MB)
C. De Maria, Ferrari, L., Montemurro, F., Vozzi, G., Guerrazzi, I., Boland, T., and Vozzi, G., Design and Validation of an Open-Hardware Print-Head forBioprinting Application, Procedia Engineering, vol. 110, pp. 98-105, 2015.
G. Giovannetti, Frijia, F., Hartwig, V., Attanasio, S., Menichetti, L., Vanello, N., Positano, V., Ardenkjaer-Larsen, J. H., Lionetti, V., Aquaro, G. D., De Marchi, D., Schulte, R., Wiesinger, F., Landini, L., Lombardi, M., and Santarelli, M. F., Design of a quadrature surface coil for hyperpolarized 13C MRS cardiac metabolism studies in pigs, CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART B-MAGNETIC RESONANCE ENGINEERING, vol. 43b, no. 2, pp. 69 - 77, 2013.
A. Quagli, Fontanelli, D., Greco, L., Palopoli, L., and Bicchi, A., Design of Embedded Controllers Based on Anytime Computing, IEEE Trans. Industrial Infor., vol. 6, pp. 492 - 502, 2010. PDF icon [PDF] (478.77 KB)
A. Quagli, Fontanelli, D., Greco, L., Palopoli, L., and Bicchi, A., Designing Real-Time Embedded Controllers using the Anytime Computing Paradigm, in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2009, pp. 1 - 8. PDF icon [PDF] (163.04 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Martini, S., Dubbini, N., and Bicchi, A., Distributed Consensus on Boolean Information, in 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'09), Venice, Italy, 2009, pp. 72 - 77. PDF icon [PDF] (326.45 KB)
L. Cancemi, Fagiolini, A., and Pallottino, L., Distributed Multi–level Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Large Scale Industrial Environments, in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013, pp. 1-8. PDF icon [PDF] (913.83 KB)
T. Fabbri, Simetti, E., Casalino, G., Pallottino, L., and Caiti, A., Distributed Task-priority Based Control in Area Coverage & Adaptive Sampling, in MTS/IEEE Oceans 2017, Aberdeen, Scotland, June 2017, 2017. PDF icon [PDF] (676.07 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Babboni, F., and Bicchi, A., Dynamic Distributed Intrusion Detection for Secure Multi-Robot Systems, in Int. Conference of Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, 2009, pp. 2723 - 2728. PDF icon [PDF] (694.91 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Ricciato, L., and Soatto, S., A Fast RANSAC–Based Registration Algorithm for Accurate Localization in Unknown Environments using LIDAR Measurements, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (187.5 KB)
F. Vozzi, Mazzei, D., Vinci, B., Vozzi, G., Sbrana, T., Ricotti, L., Forgione, N., and Ahluwalia, A., A flexible bioreactor system for constructing in vitro tissue and organ models., Biotechnol Bioeng, vol. 108, pp. 2129–2140, 2011.
D. Fontanelli, Macii, D., and Petri, D., A Flexible Linear Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Synchronization, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Singapore, 2009, pp. 384–389. PDF icon [PDF] (158.37 KB)
M. Ferroni, Giusti, S., Spatafora, G., Boschetti, F., and Ahluwalia, A., Fluid dynamics in porous scaffolds stimulated with cyclic squeeze pressure in the S2PR bioreactor, in Proceedings of ICMMB2014, 2014, pp. 363–68 [Online]. Available:İCMMB2014.pdf
M. Ferroni, Giusti, S., Spatafora, G., Boschetti, F., and Ahluwalia, A., Fluid dynamics in porous scaffolds stimulated with cyclic squeeze pressure in the S2PR bioreactor, in Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria IV Congresso, Pavia, 25-27 June, 2014.
M. Trumic, Grioli, G., Jovanovic, K., and Fagiolini, A., Force/Torque-Sensorless Joint Stiffness Estimation in Articulated Soft Robots, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, 2022. PDF icon final-ral22-trumic.pdf (4.33 MB)
G. Averta, C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Ciotti, S., Arapi, V., Fani, S., and Bianchi, M., From humans to robots: The role of cutaneous impairment in human environmental constraint exploitation to inform the design of robotic hands, in Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2017 9th International Congress on, Munich, 2017, pp. 179–184. PDF icon averta_et_al_2017.pdf (16.66 MB)
M. G. Catalano, Grioli, G., Farnioli, E., Serio, A., Bonilla, M., Garabini, M., Piazza, C., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., From Soft to Adaptive Synergies: The Pisa/IIT SoftHand, in Human and Robot Hands, vol. Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems, Springer, 2016. PDF icon [PDF] (10.22 MB)
D. Ioannidis, Tzovaras, D., Mura, G. D., Ferro, M., Valenza, G., Tognetti, A., and Pioggia, G., Gait and Anthropometric Profile Biometrics: A Step Forward, Second Generation Biometrics: The Ethical, Legal and Social Context, pp. 105–127, 2012.
S. Nardi, Fabbri, T., Caiti, A., and Pallottino, L., A game theoretic approach for antagonistic-task coordination of underwater autonomous robots in asymmetric threats scenarios, in OCEANS 2016, 2016 [Online]. Available: icon 2016_nfcp_oceans.pdf (754.44 KB)
G. Mattei, Tirella, A., Mattioli-Belmonte, M., Ferretti, C., and Ahluwalia, A., Gelatin-Hydroxyapatite hydrogels to investigate periosteal derived progenitor cells (PDPCs) response for tissue engineering applications, in Advanced Cell Culture, Liverpool, UK, 2013.
A. Balestrino, Fagiolini, A., and Zini, G., Generalized Fibonacci Dynamical Systems, in Int. Conf. On Fibonacci Numbers and their applications, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (151.22 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Palopoli, L., and Passerone, R., On the global convergence of a class of distributed algorithms for maximizing the coverage of a WSN, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, Shanghai (China), 2009, pp. 7885 - 7890. PDF icon [PDF] (187.33 KB)
T. Rizano, Fontanelli, D., Palopoli, L., Pallottino, L., and Salaris, P., Global Path Planning for Competitive Robotic Cars, in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 2013, pp. 4510 - 4516. PDF icon [PDF] (766.29 KB)
M. Gabiccini, Farnioli, E., and Bicchi, A., Grasp Analysis Tools for Synergistic Underactuated Robotic Hands, International Journal of Robotic Reasearch, vol. 32, no. 13, pp. 1553 - 1576, 2013. PDF icon [PDF] (1.36 MB)
M. Gabiccini, Farnioli, E., and Bicchi, A., Grasp and Manipulation Analysis for Synergistic Underactuated Hands Under General Loading Conditions, in International Conference of Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2012, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2012, pp. 2836 - 2842. PDF icon [PDF] (621.11 KB)
E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., Bonilla, M., and Bicchi, A., Grasp Compliance Regulation in Synergistically Controlled Robotic Hands with VSA, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2013, Tokyo, Japan, 2013, pp. 3015 -3022. PDF icon [PDF] (808.46 KB)
