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Journal Article
A. Balluchi, Bicchi, A., and Souères, P., Path-Following with a Bounded-Curvature Vehicle: a Hybrid Control Approach, International Journal of Control, vol. 78, pp. 1228-1247, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (590.71 KB)
P. Guerrini, Vozzi, G., Ahluwalia, A., Palla, M., and Vozzi, G., A patented drop-free trocar for ophthalmic applications: design and realization [from mind to market], IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, vol. 2, pp. 4–8, 2008.
P. Guerrini, Vozzi, G., Ahluwalia, A., and Palla, M., A patented drop-free trocar for ophthalmic applications: design and realization [from mind to market], IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, vol. 2, pp. 4–8, 2008.
A. Pirone, Magliaro, C., Giannessi, E., and Ahluwalia, A., Parvalbumin expression in the claustrum of human dog. An immunohistochemical and topographical study with comparative notes of the structure of the nucleus, Journal of chemical neuroanatomy, vol. 64-65, pp. 33-42, 2015 [Online]. Available:
A. Caiti, Bergem, O., and Dybedal, J., Parametric sonars for seafloor characterization, MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, vol. 10, pp. 1105–1115, 1999 [Online]. Available:
G. Vozzi, Rechichi, A., Dini, F., Salvadori, C., Vozzi, F., Burchielli, S., Carlucci, F., ARISPICI, M., Ciardelli, G., Giusti, P., and Ahluwalia, A., PAM-microfabricated polyurethane scaffolds: in vivo and in vitro preliminary studies, MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE, 2008.
A. Tirella, De Maria, C., Criscenti, G., Vozzi, G., and Ahluwalia, A., The PAM2 system: a multilevel approach for fabrication of complex three-dimensional microstructures, Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 18, pp. 299–307, 2012.
A. Tirella, Vozzi, F., Vozzi, G., and Ahluwalia, A., PAM2 (Piston Assisted Microsyringe): A New Rapid Prototyping Technique for Biofabrication of Cell Incorporated Scaffolds, Tissue Eng Part C Methods, vol. 17, 2011.
Conference Paper
A. Bicchi, De Rossi, D., and Scilingo, E. P., Psychophysical Evaluation of Simplified Haptic Perception Media, in Proc. Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Interaction, Pisa, 1999. PDF icon [PDF] (182 KB)
L. Pallottino, Bicchi, A., and Frazzoli, E., Probabilistic verification of decentralized multi-agent control strategies: a case study in conflict avoidance, in American Control Conference (ACC), 2007, pp. 170-175. PDF icon [PDF] (223.16 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Probabilistic verification of a decentralized policy for conflict resolution in multi-agent systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 2448-2453. PDF icon [PDF] (351.44 KB)
R. Asaula, Fontanelli, D., and Palopoli, L., A Probabilistic Methodology for Predicting Injuries to Human Operators in Automated Production lines, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Mallorca, Spain, 2009, pp. 1 - 8. PDF icon [PDF] (259.92 KB)
C. Piazza, Catalano, M. G., Bicchi, A., and Hargrove, L., Preliminary Results Toward Continuous and Proportional Control of a Multi-synergistic Soft Prosthetic Hand, in International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, 2018. PDF icon icnr2018_paper165.pdf (728.32 KB)
M. Rossi, C. Della Santina,, Piazza, C., Grioli, G., Catalano, M. G., and Bicchi, A., Preliminary results toward a naturally controlled multi-synergistic prosthetic hand, in International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (5.73 MB)
L. Cominelli, Mazzei, D., Carbonaro, N., Garofalo, R., Zaraki, A., Tognetti, A., and De Rossi, D., A preliminary framework for a social robot ‚Äúsixth sense‚Äù, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 5th International Conference, Living Machines 2016, Edinburgh, UK, July 19-22, 2016. Proceedings, Dordrecht, 2016, vol. 9793, pp. 58–70 [Online]. Available:
G. Valenza, Nardelli, M., Lanatà, A., Gentili, C., Bertschy, G., and Scilingo, E. P., Predicting mood changes in bipolar disorder through heartbeat nonlinear dynamics: A preliminary study, in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2015, 2015, pp. 801–804.
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Practical stabilization of LTI SISO systems under assigned Input and Output quantization, presented at the July, 2006, pp. 353-358.
G. Mathijssen, Terryn, S., Funemont, R., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Grioli, G., Lefeber, D., Bicchi, A., and Vanderborght, B., Potential merits for space robotics from novel concepts of actuation for soft robotics, in Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA) , Noordwijk, The Netherlands May 11-13, 2015, 2015. PDF icon [PDF] (826.03 KB)
C. De Maria, Tirella, A., Ahluwalia, A., and Vozzi, G., Pneumatic module of PAM2 microfabrication system: realization of bio-inspired complex scaffolds, in 3B International Conference in Bioprinting and Biofabrication, Bordeaux, France, 2009.
A. Bicchi, Casalino, G., and Santilli, C., Planning Shortest Bounded-Curvature Paths for a Class of Nonholonomic Vehicles among obstacles, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1995, pp. 1349-1354. PDF icon [PDF] (609.48 KB)
A. Bicchi, Prattichizzo, D., and Sastry, S. S., Planning Motions of Rolling Surfaces, in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 1995. PDF icon [PDF] (633.48 KB)
D. Caporale, Fagiolini, A., Pallottino, L., Settimi, A., Biondo, A., Amerotti, F., Massa, F., De Caro, S., Corti, A., and Venturini, L., A Planning and Control System for Self-Driving Racing Vehicles, in 2018 IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI), Palermo, Italy, 2018, pp. 1-6. PDF icon roboracertsi_2018.pdf (2.63 MB)
G. Dalle Mura, Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Carbonaro, N., Pacelli, M., Paradiso, R., and De Rossi, D., Piezoresistive Goniometer Network for Sensing Gloves, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2014, pp. 1547–1550 [Online]. Available:
D. G. Mura, Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Carbonaro, N., Pacelli, M., Paradiso, R., and De Rossi, D., Piezoresistive Goniometer Network for Sensing Gloves, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 1547–1550.
A. Ahluwalia, De Rossi, D., Lorussi, F., Mazzoldi, A., Orsini, P., and Scilingo, E. P., Piezoresistive fabrics for monitoring body kinematics and gesture, in First International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions, Sapporo, Japan, 2001, pp. 395-399.
G. Ciofani, Landi, A., Mazzei, D., and Mazzoldi, A., Physiological Cybernetics: Model of Osmolality and Volemia, in Proc. and 2005 European Control Conf. Decision and Control CDC-ECC '05. 44th IEEE Conf, 2005, pp. 5552–5557.
A. Albu-Schaeffer, Bicchi, A., Boccadamo, G., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Hirzinger, G., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Schiavi, R., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: Safety and Dependability, in Proc. 4th IARP/IEEE-EURON Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (322.19 KB)
A. Bicchi, Bavaro, M., Boccadamo, G., Carli, D. D., Filippini, R., Grioli, G., Piccigallo, M., Rosi, A., Schiavi, R., Sen, S., and Tonietti, G., Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Dependability, Safety, and Performance, in Proc. 10th Intl. Workshop Advanced Motion Control, 2008, pp. 9-14. PDF icon [PDF] (348.02 KB)
G. Pioggia, Tartarisco, G., Valenza, G., Ricci, G., Volpi, L., Siciliano, G., and Bonfiglio, S., A pervasive activity management and rehabilitation support system for the elderly, in Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on, 2010, pp. 813–816.
