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C. De Maria, Boland, T., and Vozzi, G., A novel approach to fabricate agarose microstructures,, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, pp 341-342, Rome, 2012.
C. De Maria, GRASSINI, D., Vozzi, F., Vinci, B., Landi, A., Ahluwalia, A., and Vozzi, G., HEMET: mathematical model of biochemical pathways for simulation and prediction of HEpatocyte METabolism, COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, vol. 92, pp. 121–134, 2008.
C. De Maria, Tirella, A., Ahluwalia, A., and Vozzi, G., Pneumatic module of PAM2 microfabrication system: realization of bio-inspired complex scaffolds, in 3B International Conference in Bioprinting and Biofabrication, Bordeaux, France, 2009.
C. De Maria, Mazzei, D., and Ahluwalia, A., Open Source Biomedical Engineering for Sustainability in African Healthcare: Combining Academic Excellence with Innovation, in ICDS 2014, The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society, 2014, pp. 48–53.
C. De Maria, Carrabba, M., Criscenti, G., Orsi, G., Montemurro, F., and Vozzi, G., Multimaterial and multiscale biofabrication for smart scaffolds, in JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 2014, pp. 470–470.
C. De Maria, Grassi, L., Vozzi, F., Ahluwalia, A., Vozzi, G., and Campbell, R. I., Development of a novel Micro-Ablation System to realise micrometric and well-defined hydrogel structures for Tissue Engineering applications, Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 20, 2014.
C. De Maria, Whulanza, Y., Vozzi, G., and Ahluwalia, A., Smart Sensing Scaffolds, Smart Membranes and Sensors: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, p. 337, 2014.
C. De Maria, Giusti, S., Mazzei, D., Crawford, A., and Ahluwalia, A., Squeeze pressure bioreactor: a hydrodynamic bioreactor for noncontact stimulation of cartilage constructs, Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, vol. 17, pp. 757–64, 2011 [Online]. Available:
C. De Maria, Burchielli, S., Salvadori, C., Santoro, V., Montemurro, F., Orsi, G., and Vozzi, G., The influence of mesh topology in the abdominal wall repair process, J Biomed Mater Res Part B. , 2016 [Online]. Available:
C. De Maria, Mazzei, D., and Ahluwalia, A., Improving African Healthcare through Open Source Biomedical Engineering, International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 2015.
C. De Maria, Ferrari, L., Montemurro, F., Vozzi, G., Guerrazzi, I., Boland, T., and Vozzi, G., Design and Validation of an Open-Hardware Print-Head forBioprinting Application, Procedia Engineering, vol. 110, pp. 98-105, 2015.
C. De Maria, De Acutis, A., and Vozzi, G., Indirect Rapid Prototyping for Tissue Engineering, in Essential of 3D Biofabrication and Translation, Elsevier, 2015.
C. De Maria, De Acutis, A., Carrabba, M., Criscenti, G., and Vozzi, G., Machine design for multimaterial processing, in Nanobiomaterials in Soft Tissue Engineering - Applications of Nanobiomaterials, Elsevier, 2016.