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E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., Toward whole-body loco-manipulation: Experimental results on multi-contact interaction with the Walk-Man robot, in IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Danjeon, Korea, October 10-14 2016, 2016 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (602.51 KB)
A. Bicchi, Fagiolini, A., and Pallottino, L., Towards a Society of Robots: Behaviors, Misbehaviors, and Security, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 17, pp. 26 - 36, 2010. PDF icon [PDF] (783.04 KB)
A. Danesi, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Towards Cooperative Visual-Based Localization, Mapping, and Servoing, 2004. PDF icon [PDF] (438.58 KB)
D. Caporale, Settimi, A., Massa, F., Amerotti, F., Corti, A., Fagiolini, A., Guiggiani, M., Bicchi, A., and Pallottino, L., Towards the Design of Robotic Drivers for Full-Scale Self-Driving Racing Cars, 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2019. PDF icon compressed_submitted.pdf (1.74 MB)
G. Giovannetti, Frijia, F., Hartwig, V., Menichetti, L., Positano, V., Ardenkjaer-Larsen, J. H., Lionetti, V., Aquaro, G. D., De Marchi, D., Schulte, R., Wiesinger, F., Landini, L., Lombardi, M., and Santarelli, M. F., Transmit-Only/Receive-Only Radiofrequency System for Hyperpolarized C-13 MRS Cardiac Metabolism Studies in Pigs, APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 1125-1138, 2013.
F. Di Francesco, Ferrari, F., Moni, L., Melai, B., Bernazzania, L., and Chiappe, C., Tuning of the freezing and melting points of [Hmim][NO3] by the addition of water and nitrate salts , RSC Advances, vol. 4, pp. 40407 - 40413, 2014.
M. Mattioli-Belmonte, Vozzi, G., Whulanza, Y., Seggiani, M., Fantauzzi, V., Orsini, G., and Ahluwalia, A., Tuning polycaprolactone-carbon nanotube composites for bone tissue engineering scaffolds, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. C, BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS, 2011.
J. Tilli, Fantoni, G., and Currenti, S., Underwater drilling of foam-like materials and wax using ultrasound technology, in International Conference On Innovative Design And Manufacturing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 13-15, 2014.
B. Allotta, Caiti, A., Chisci, L., Costanzi, R., Di Corato, F., Fantacci, D., Fenucci, D., Meli, E., and Ridolfi, A., An unscented Kalman filter based navigation algorithm for autonomous underwater vehicles, Mechatronics, vol. 39, pp. 185-195, 2016 [Online]. Available:
B. Allotta, Caiti, A., Chisci, L., Costanzi, R., Di Corato, F., Fantacci, D., Fenucci, D., Meli, E., and Ridolfi, A., An unscented Kalman filter based navigation algorithm for autonomous underwater vehicles, Mechatronics, vol. 39, pp. 185-195, 2016 [Online]. Available:
G. Averta, C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Felici, F., Bianchi, M., and Bicchi, A., Unvealing the principal modes of human upper limb movements through functional analysis, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 4, p. 37, 2017. PDF icon frobt-04-00037-4.pdf (11.51 MB)
J. Lee, A. Ajoudani, E. Hoffman, M., Rocchi, A., Settimi, A., Ferrati, M., Bicchi, A., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Caldwell, D. G., Upper-body Impedance Control with an Intuitive Stiffness Emulation for a Door Opening Task, in IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS 2014), Madrid, Spain, November 18 - 20, 2014, pp. 713 - 719 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.87 MB)
R. Filippini, Sen, S., and Bicchi, A., Variable Impedance Actuations for Physical Human Cooperating Robots: a Comparative Analysis of Performance, Safety and Dependability, in Proc. IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments., 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (97.58 KB)
B. Vanderborght, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Ganesh, G., Garabini, M., Grebenstein, M., Grioli, G., Haddadin, S., Hoppner, H., Jafari, A., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Petit, F., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Visser, L. C., and Wolf, S., Variable Impedance Actuators: a Review, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 1601–1614, 2013 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.28 MB)
S. Wolf, Grioli, G., Eiberger, O., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Hoppner, H., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Catalano, M. G., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Ham, V. R., Vanderborght, B., Visser, L. C., Bicchi, A., and Albu-Schaeffer, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: Review on Design and Components, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 2418 - 2430, 2016 [Online]. Available:
G. Grioli, Wolf, S., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Burdet, E., Caldwell, D. G., Carloni, R., Friedl, W., Grebenstein, M., Laffranchi, M., Lefeber, D., Stramigioli, S., Tsagarakis, N. G., Damme, V. M., Vanderborght, B., Albu-Schaeffer, A., and Bicchi, A., Variable Stiffness Actuators: the user’s point of view, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 727-743, 2015 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (2.09 MB)
V. Tincani, Catalano, M. G., Farnioli, E., Garabini, M., Grioli, G., Fantoni, G., and Bicchi, A., Velvet fingers: A dexterous gripper with active surfaces, in International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012, pp. 1257 - 1263 . PDF icon [PDF] (1.85 MB)
V. Tincani, Catalano, M. G., Farnioli, E., Garabini, M., Grioli, G., Fantoni, G., and Bicchi, A., Velvet fingers: A dexterous gripper with active surfaces, in International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012, pp. 1257 - 1263 . PDF icon [PDF] (1.85 MB)
R. Krug, Stoyanov, T., Bonilla, M., Tincani, V., Vaskeviciusz, N., Fantoni, G., Birkz, A., Lilienthal, A., and Bicchi, A., Velvet Fingers: Grasp Planning and Execution for an Underactuated Gripper with Active Surfaces, in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, May 31 2014-June 7 2014, 2014, pp. 3669 - 3675 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.39 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Salaris, P., Belo, F. A. W., and Bicchi, A., Visual appearance mapping for optimal vision based servoing, vol. 54 - Experimental Robotics, B. Siciliano, Khatib, O., and Groen, F., Eds. Springer, 2009, pp. 353 - 362. PDF icon [PDF] (1.14 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Danesi, A., Belo, F. A. W., Salaris, P., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing in the Large, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, pp. 802 - 814, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (2 MB)
A. Danesi, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing on Image Maps, in Experimental Robotics, 2008, vol. 39, pp. 277 - 286.
D. Fontanelli, Salaris, P., Belo, F. A. W., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods, vol. 401, G. Chesi and Hashimoto, K., Eds. Springer, 2010, pp. 335 - 360. PDF icon [PDF] (2.33 MB)
P. Salaris, Belo, F. A. W., Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Visual SLAM for Servoing for Appearance Based Topological Maps, in Proc. Ints. Symp. Experimental Robotics, 2008, vol. 39/2008, pp. 277-286.
A. Fagiolini, Arisumi, H., and Bicchi, A., Visual-based Feedback Control of Casting Manipulation, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 2203-2208. PDF icon [PDF] (278.84 KB)
P. Murrieri, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Visual-servoed parking with limited view angle, in Experimental Robotics VIII, vol. 5, B. Siciliano and Dario, P., Eds. Springer Verlag, 2002, pp. 254-263. PDF icon [PDF] (220.16 KB)
N. G. Tsagarakis, Caldwell, D. G., Negrello, F., Choi, W., Baccelliere, L., Loc, V. G., Noorden, J., Muratore, L., Margan, A., Cardellino, A., Natale, L., E. Hoffman, M., Dallali, H., Kashiri, N., Malzahn, J., Lee, J., Kryczka, P., Kanoulas, D., Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Ferrati, M., Varricchio, V., Pallottino, L., Pavan, C., Bicchi, A., Settimi, A., Rocchi, A., and A. Ajoudani, WALK-MAN: A High-Performance Humanoid Platform for Realistic Environments, Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1 - 34, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (5.74 MB)
N. G. Tsagarakis, Negrello, F., Garabini, M., Choi, W., Baccelliere, L., Loc, V. G., Noorden, J., Catalano, M. G., Ferrati, M., Muratore, L., Kryczka, P., E. Hoffman, M., Settimi, A., Rocchi, A., Margan, A., Cordasco, S., Kanoulas, D., Cardellino, A., Natale, L., Dallali, H., Malzahn, J., Kashiri, N., Varricchio, V., Pallottino, L., Pavan, C., Lee, J., A. Ajoudani, Caldwell, D. G., and Bicchi, A., WALK-MAN Humanoid Platform, in The DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: Humanoid Robots To The Rescue, vol. 121, Springer, 2018, pp. 495–548. PDF icon walk-manhumanoidplatform_springer.pdf (3.5 MB)
M. Ferrati, Settimi, A., Muratore, L., Tsagarakis, N. G., Natale, L., and Pallottino, L., The Walk-Man Robot Software Architecture, Front. Robot. AI, 2016 [Online]. Available:
A. Giannini, Bianchi, M., Doria, D., Fani, S., Caretto, M., Bicchi, A., and Simoncini, T., Wearable haptic interfaces for applications in gynecologic robotic surgery: a proof of concept in robotic myomectomy., Journal of Robotic Surgery , 2019. PDF icon giannini2019_article_wearablehapticinterfacesforapp.pdf (584.04 KB)
