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M. Pierallini, Angelini, F., Mengacci, R., Palleschi, A., Bicchi, A., and Garabini, M., A Robust Iterative Learning Control for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems With Disturbances, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 147471-147480, 2021. PDF icon paper.pdf (942.96 KB)
M. Pieroni, Wandell, B., Catrysse, P., and De Rossi, D., P2SF: Physically-based Point Spread Function for digital image processing, in Imaging Systems and Applications, 2015, p. IT3A–5.
P. Pietrini, Ricciardi, E., Gentili, C., Bonino, D., Vanello, N., Sani, L., Danti, S., Guazzelli, M., Bicchi, A., and Vecchi, T. E., Oltre le immagini sensoriali: la rappresentazione degli oggetti nella via visiva ventrale, Neurological Sciences, vol. 26, pp. S81–S83, 2005.
M. PIFFERI, Montemurro, F., CANGIOTTI, A. M., RAGAZZO, V., DI CICCO, M., Vinci, B., Vozzi, G., MACCHIA, P., and BONER, A. L., Simplified cell culture method for the diagnosis of atypical Primary Ciliary, THORAX, vol. 64, pp. 1077-81, 2009.
R. Pimentel and Vozzi, G., Finite element model for PAM scaffolds, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 74 - 75.
G. Pioggia, Tartarisco, G., Valenza, G., Ricci, G., Volpi, L., Siciliano, G., and Bonfiglio, S., A pervasive activity management and rehabilitation support system for the elderly, in Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on, 2010, pp. 813–816.
G. Pioggia, Carbonaro, N., Anania, G., Tognetti, A., Tartarisco, G., Ferro, M., De Rossi, D., and Riva, G., Interreality: The use of advanced technologies in the assessment and treatement of psychological stress, in Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA’10, 2010, pp. 1047–1051 [Online]. Available:
A. Pirone, Magliaro, C., Giannessi, E., and Ahluwalia, A., Parvalbumin expression in the claustrum of human dog. An immunohistochemical and topographical study with comparative notes of the structure of the nucleus, Journal of chemical neuroanatomy, vol. 64-65, pp. 33-42, 2015 [Online]. Available:
D. S. POGGI, Massarella, M., Cerulli, G., Caraffa, A., Burchielli, S., Modenato, M., Cantile, C., Vozzi, G., De Maria, C., Lisanti, M., Bonicoli, E., and Cantini, G., La rigenerazione nervosa negli innesti a polarità  invertita: dati a confronto tra applicazione sull'uomo e analisi sperimentale su modello animale, RIVISTA DI CHIRURGIA DELLA MANO, p. –, 2007.
D. Prattichizzo, Malvezzi, M., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., On the Manipulability Ellipsoids of Underactuated Robotic Hands with Compliance Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, special issue on Autonomous Grasping, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 337 - 346, 2012. PDF icon [PDF] (912.42 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Malvezzi, M., Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., On Motion and Force Controllability of Precision Grasps with Hands Actuated by Soft Synergies, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1440 - 1456 , 2013. PDF icon [PDF] (1.59 MB)
D. Prattichizzo, Bicchi, A., and Casalino, G., Statically Stable Legged Locomotion with Leg Redundancy, in Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing, Oxford, UK, september 23-25 1993, 1993. PDF icon [PDF] (300.86 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Noninteracting force/motion control of defective manipulation systems , in Proc. Conf. on Decision and Control, 1996. PDF icon [PDF] (549.68 KB)
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Specifying Consistent Control Goals for Kinematically Defective Manipulation Systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1996. PDF icon [PDF] (579.29 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., On the Geometric Control of Internal Forces in Power Grasp, in Proc. Conf. on Decision and Control, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (539.33 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., On the Decoupling and Output Functional Controllability of Robotic Manipulation, in Proc. IFAC Int. Symp. on Robot Control, 1997.
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Geometric Control Techniques for Mechanical Systems, in Int. Conf. Italian Association for Theretical and Applied Mechanics, Siena, Italia, september 29 - October 3 1997, 1997. PDF icon 1997_PMBV_AIMETA.pdf (921.55 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Geometric Control Techniques for Manipulation Systems, in Proceeding Int. Conf. Computer Integrated Systems, Belfort, France, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (331.23 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Geometric Disturbance Decoupling Control of Vehicles with Active Suspensions, in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Control Applications, 1998, pp. 253-257. PDF icon [PDF] (426.2 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Active Suspensions Decoupling by Algebraic Output Feedback, in Proc. IEEE Mediterranean Conf. On Control And Systems, 1998. PDF icon [PDF] (277.99 KB)
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Dynamic Analysis of Mobility and Graspability of General Manipulation Systems, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 14, pp. 241-258, 1998. PDF icon [PDF] (858.53 KB)
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Consistent Specification of Manipulation Tasks for Defective Mechanical Systems, ASME Jour. Dynam. Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 119, pp. 767-777, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (425.67 KB)
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Grasp Control: a General Manipulation System Approach, in Proc. Int. Works. Towards Intelligent Robotic Manipulation, Lausanne, 2002.
D. Prattichizzo, Salisbury, J. K., and Bicchi, A., Contact and Grasp Robustness Measures: Analysis and Experiments, in Experimental Robotics-IV, O. Khatib and Salisbury, K., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1996. PDF icon [PDF] (198.04 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Malvezzi, M., and Bicchi, A., On motion and force controllability of grasping hands with postural synergies, in Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, 2010. PDF icon [PDF] (451.97 KB)
E. PULIERI, Chiono, V., Ciardelli, G., Vozzi, G., Ahluwalia, A., Domenici, C., Vozzi, F., and Giusti, P., Chitosan/gelatin blends for biomedical applications, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH. PART A, vol. 86, pp. 311–322, 2008.
