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Conference Paper
F. Carpi, Lorussi, F., Mazzoldi, A., Pioggia, G., and Scilingo, E. P., Electroactive polymer based skin and muscles for man machine interfaces, in MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 2001.
L. Pallottino and Bicchi, A., A Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Planning for Vehicles with Trailers, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2007, pp. 3098 - 3103. PDF icon [PDF] (466.84 KB)
A. Bicchi, Caiti, A., and Prattichizzo, D., Dynamic force/torque sensors: theory and experiments , in Proc. Int. Conference on Advanced Robotics, Monterey, CA, USA, 1997, pp. 727-732. PDF icon [PDF] (537.14 KB)
Y. Kim, Garabini, M., Park, J., and Bicchi, A., Drum Stroke Variation Using Variable Stiffness Actuators, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), Chicago, IL, USA, 2014, pp. 3892 - 3897 . PDF icon [PDF] (1.67 MB)
T. Fabbri, Simetti, E., Casalino, G., Pallottino, L., and Caiti, A., Distributed Task-priority Based Control in Area Coverage & Adaptive Sampling, in MTS/IEEE Oceans 2017, Aberdeen, Scotland, June 2017, 2017. PDF icon [PDF] (676.07 KB)
L. Cancemi, Fagiolini, A., and Pallottino, L., Distributed Multi–level Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Large Scale Industrial Environments, in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013, pp. 1-8. PDF icon [PDF] (913.83 KB)
F. Pasqualetti, Bicchi, A., and Bullo, F., Distributed intrusion detection for secure consensus computations, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 5594-5599. PDF icon [PDF] (222.29 KB)
F. Pasqualetti, Carli, R., Bicchi, A., and Bullo, F., Distributed Estimation and Detection under Local Information, in IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Annecy, France, 2010, pp. 263-268. PDF icon [PDF] (413.16 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Discrete and Hybrid Nonholonomy, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2004, vol. 2993, pp. 157-172. PDF icon [PDF] (242.15 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Discrete and Hybrid Nonholonomy, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2004, vol. 2993, pp. 157-172. PDF icon [PDF] (242.15 KB)
A. Bicchi, Chitour, Y., Marigo, A., and Prattichizzo, D., Dexterity through Rolling: Towards Manipulation of Unknown Objects, in Proc. Third Int. Symp. on Methods and Models for Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 1996.
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Prattichizzo, D., Dexterity through rolling: Manipulation of unknown objects, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1999, pp. 1583-1568. PDF icon [PDF] (676.11 KB)
S. Coli, Paradiso, R., Taccini, N., Scilingo, E. P., Loriga, G., De Rossi, D., Gemignani, A., Ghelarducci, B., Bourdon, L., Ditmar, A., Vavouras, T., Gros, B., Luprano, J., Jaenecke, M., Coucke, C., Delhomme, G., and Cianflone, D., Development of a Wearable System Based on Smart Textiles and GPRS Transmission for Remote Multiparametric Monitoring of Cardiac Patients: Preliminary Results of the WEALTHY Project, in THE 5th International Heart Health Conference, Milan, Italy, 2004.
A. Quagli, Fontanelli, D., Greco, L., Palopoli, L., and Bicchi, A., Designing Real-Time Embedded Controllers using the Anytime Computing Paradigm, in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2009, pp. 1 - 8. PDF icon [PDF] (163.04 KB)
S. Casini, Tincani, V., Averta, G., Poggiani, M., C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Catalano, M. G., Bianchi, M., Grioli, G., and Bicchi, A., Design of an Under-Actuated Wrist Based on Adaptive Synergies, in IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation, ICRA2017, Singapore, 29 May-3 June 2017, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (5.71 MB)
S. Casini, Tincani, V., Averta, G., Poggiani, M., C. Della Santina,, Battaglia, E., Catalano, M. G., Bianchi, M., Grioli, G., and Bicchi, A., Design of an under-actuated wrist based on adaptive synergies, in Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 2017, pp. 6679–6686. PDF icon 07989789.pdf (1.08 MB)
L. Silvestri, Pallottino, L., and Nardi, S., Design of an indoor autonomous robot navigation system for unknown environments, in International Conference on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems, 2018, vol. 10756 LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in , pp. 153-169.
P. Guerrini, Vozzi, G., Ahluwalia, A., Mazzei, D., Palla, M., and Rizzo, S., Design and realisation of drop-free trocar for ophthalmic applications, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics ISIE 2007, 2007, pp. 2810–2814.
F. Negrello, Catalano, M. G., Garabini, M., Poggiani, M., Caldwell, D. G., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Bicchi, A., Design and characterization of a novel high-compliance spring for robots with soft joints, in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Munich, Germany, 3-7 July 2017, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (3.85 MB)
L. Greco, Gaeta, M., and Piccoli, B., Deployment of sensors in a network-like environment, in Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008, pp. 4257–4262.
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., On the Decoupling and Output Functional Controllability of Robotic Manipulation, in Proc. IFAC Int. Symp. on Robot Control, 1997.
A. Fagiolini, Valenti, G., Pallottino, L., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Intrusion Detection for Secure Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 1553-1558. PDF icon [PDF] (321.45 KB)
S. Manca, Fagiolini, A., and Pallottino, L., Decentralized Coordination System for Multiple AGVs in a Structured Environment, in 2011 Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Milano, italy, 2011, pp. 6005 - 6010. PDF icon [PDF] (539.4 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Cooperative Conflict Resolution for Multiple Nonholonomic Vehicles, in Proc. AIAA COnf. on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2005. PDF icon [PDF] (2.21 MB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Cooperative Conflict Resolution Among Multiple Autonomous Mobile Agents, in cdc, 2004, pp. 4758-4763. PDF icon [PDF] (601.36 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized and scalable conflict resolution strategy for multi-agents systems, in Int. Symp. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (283.6 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., Pappas, G., Pardini, M., Parlangeli, G., Tomlin, C., and Sastry, S., Decentralized Air Traffic Management Systems: Performance and Fault Tolerance, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Motion Control, 1998.
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., Pappas, G., Pardini, M., Parlangeli, G., Tomlin, C., and Sastry, S., Decentralized Air Traffic Management Systems: Performance and Fault Tolerance, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Motion Control, 1998.
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., Pappas, G., Pardini, M., Parlangeli, G., Tomlin, C., and Sastry, S., Decentralized Air Traffic Management Systems: Performance and Fault Tolerance, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Motion Control, 1998.
L. Cominelli, Mazzei, D., Pieroni, M., Zaraki, A., Garofalo, R., and De Rossi, D., Damasio's Somatic Marker for Social Robotics: Preliminary Implementation and Test, in Living Machines - The 4th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 28 - 31 July 2015, 2015, pp. 316-328 [Online]. Available:
