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L. Pallottino and Bicchi, A., Risoluzione ottima dei conflitti tra agenti autonomi: applicazione al controllo del traffico aereo, in Proc. 1st. Natl. Conf. and Exhibit on Autonomous Intelligent Systems and Advanced Robotics, ENEA, Frascati, 2002, pp. 193-197.
L. Pallottino, Bicchi, A., and Pancanti, S., Safety of a decentralized scheme for Free-Flight ATMS using Mixed Integer Linear Programming, in American Control Conference, 2002, pp. 742-747. PDF icon [PDF] (303.58 KB)
L. Pallottino, Feron, E., and Bicchi, A., Mixed Integer Programming for Aircraft Conflict Resolution, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2001. PDF icon [PDF] (1.04 MB)
L. Pallottino and Bicchi, A., On the optimal conflict resolution for air traffic control, in Proc. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, Dearborn, MI, 2000, pp. 167-172. PDF icon [PDF] (309.62 KB)
L. Pallottino, Parlangeli, G., and Bicchi, A., Shortest paths for teams of vehicles, in Proc. WAC Int. Symp. on Robotics and Applications, 2000, pp. 124-129. PDF icon 2000_PPB.pdf (248.37 KB)
L. Pallottino, Networked Systems Theory: Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Cooperation of Dynamical Systems, in Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives, E. Crisostomi, Ghaddar, B., Hausler, F., Naoum-Sawaya, J., Russo, G., and Shorten, R., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 25–37 [Online]. Available: icon chapter3_copy.pdf (0 bytes)
S. Pagliari, Vilela-Silva, A. C., Forte, G., Pagliari, F., Mandoli, C., Vozzi, G., Pietronave, S., Prat, M., Licoccia, S., Ahluwalia, A., Traversa, E., Minieri, M., and Di Nardo, P., Cooperation of Biological and Mechanical Signals in Cardiac Progenitor Cell Differentiation, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2011.
M. Pacelli, Paradiso, R., Anerdi, G., Ceccarini, S., Ghignoli, M., Lorussi, F., Scilingo, E. P., De Rossi, D., Gemignani, A., and Ghelarducci, B., Sensing Threads and Fabrics for Monitoring Body Kinematic and Vital Signs, in Fibres and Textiles for the Future, Tampere, Finland, 2001, pp. 55-63.
A. Orsini, Tirella, A., Ahluwalia, A., and Vozzi, G., Microfabbricazione di scaffold in alginato con proprietà  meccaniche modulabili, in Congresso Nazionale Biomateriali 2008, 2008, p. –.
G. Orsi, Carta, V., and Vozzi, G., Hydrogels with 3D Gradient of Mechanical Properties, in Hydrogels: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Online edition., 2012.
G. Orsi and Vozzi, G., Fluid dynamics characterization of a microfluidic concentration gradient maker, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 152 - 153.
G. Orsi, Frascarelli, S., Zucca, R., and Vozzi, G., LTI Models for 3-Iodothyronamine Time Dynamics: A Multiscale View., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 58, pp. 3153 - 3157, 2011.
G. Orsi, De Maria, C., Guzzardi, M. A., Vozzi, F., and Vozzi, G., HEMETBeta: improvement of hepatocyte metabolism mathematical model, COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2011.
G. Orsi, Ghelardoni, S., Saba, A., Zucca, R., and Vozzi, G., Characterization of 3-Iodothyronamine In Vitro Dynamics by Mathematical Modeling, Cell Biochem Biophys, 2013.
G. Orsi, Fagnano, M., De Maria, C., Montemurro, F., and Vozzi, G., A new 3D concentration gradient maker and its application in building hydrogels with a 3D stiffness gradient, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2014.
G. Orsi, De Maria, C., Montemurro, F., Chauhan, V., Aylott, J., and Vozzi, G., Nanoparticles doped sol-gel ink for inkjet printers, in JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 2014, pp. 197–198.
G. Orsi, De Maria, C., Montemurro, F., and Vozzi, G., A novel concentration gradient bioreactor by PMMA laser micromachining, in JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 2014, pp. 482–482.
G. Orsi, Ghelardoni, S., Saba, A., Zucca, R., and Vozzi, G., Characterization of 3-Iodothyronamine In Vitro Dynamics by Mathematical Modeling, Cell biochemistry and biophysics, vol. 68, pp. 37–47, 2014.
G. Orsi, De Maria, C., Vozzi, F., Guzzardi, M. A., Ahluwalia, A., and Vozzi, G., ENMET: Endothelial Cell Metabolism Mathematical Model,, in 2009 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009, pp. 654 - 659.
G. Orsi, De Maria, C., Montemurro, F., Chauhan, V., Aylott, J., and Vozzi, G., Combining Inkjet Printing and Sol-Gel chemistry for Making pH-Sensitive surfaces, Current topics in medicinal chemistry, vol. 15(3), pp. 271-278, 2015.
G. Oriolo, Vendittelli, M., Marigo, A., and Bicchi, A., From nominal to robust planning: The plate-ball manipulation system, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003, pp. 3175-3180. PDF icon [PDF] (181.62 KB)
M. Orini, Valenza, G., Citi, L., and Barbieri, R., Tetravariate Point-Process Model for the Continuous Characterization of Cardiovascular-Respiratory Dynamics during Passive Postural Changes, 2012.
P. Omedas, Betella, A., Zucca, R., Arsiwalla, X. D., Pacheco, D., Wagner, J., Lingenfelser, F., Mazzei, D., Lanata, A., Tognetti, A., Goldhoorn, A., Guerra, E., Alquìzar, R., Grau, A., Sanfeliu, A., De Rossi, D., André, E., and Verschure, P. F. M. J., XIM-Engine: a software framework to support the development of interactive applications that uses conscious and unconscious reactions in immersive mixed reality, in VIRTUAL REALITY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2014.
R. Nossa, Costa, J., Cacopardo, L., and Ahluwalia, A., Breathing in vitro: Designs and applications of engineered lung models, Journal of Tissue Engineering, vol. 12, p. 20417314211008696, 2021. PDF icon 20417314211008696.pdf (1.86 MB)
S. Nicosia, Siciliano, B., Bicchi, A., and Valigi, P., Eds., Ramsete: Articulated and mobile robots for services and Technology, vol. 270. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001 [Online]. Available:
F. Negrello, Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Malzahn, J., Caldwell, D. G., Bicchi, A., and Tsagarakis, N. G., A Modular Compliant Actuator for Emerging High Performance and Fall-Resilient Humanoids, in 15th IEEE RAS Humanoids Conference (HUMANOIDS2015), 2016 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (4.33 MB)
F. Negrello, Garabini, M., Catalano, M. G., Kryczka, P., Choi, W., Caldwell, D. G., Bicchi, A., and Tsagarakis, N. G., WALK-MAN humanoid lower body design optimization for enhanced physical performance, in IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016), Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016 , 2016, pp. 1817 - 1824 [Online]. Available:
F. Negrello, Catalano, M. G., Garabini, M., Poggiani, M., Caldwell, D. G., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Bicchi, A., Design and characterization of a novel high-compliance spring for robots with soft joints, in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Munich, Germany, 3-7 July 2017, 2017 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (3.85 MB)
F. Negrello, Settimi, A., Caporale, D., Lentini, G., Poggiani, M., Kanoulas, D., Muratore, L., Luberto, E., Santaera, G., Ciarleglio, L., Ermini, L., Pallottino, L., Caldwell, D. G., Tsagarakis, N., Bicchi, A., Garabini, M., and Catalano, M. G., Humanoids at Work: The WALK-MAN Robot in a Postearthquake Scenario, IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, pp. 1-1, 2018. PDF icon paper_ram_rev2.pdf (4.06 MB)
F. Negrello, Mghames, S., Grioli, G., Garabini, M., and Catalano, M. Giuseppe, A compact soft articulated parallel wrist for grasping in narrow spaces, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, pp. 3161–3168, 2019. PDF icon compact_soft_wrist_rev1.pdf (7.48 MB)
