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Conference Paper
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Ricciardi, E., Zupone, G., Tognetti, A., Bonino, D., Scilingo, E. P., Cutolo, F., Giovannetti, G., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., A MR Compatible Sensing Glove for Brain Studies, in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2010, p. 1262 MT–PM–.
A. Settimi, Caporale, D., Kryczka, P., Ferrati, M., and Pallottino, L., Motion Primitive Based Random Planning for Loco–Manipulation Tasks, in IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS 2016), Cancun, Mexico, 15-17 Nov. 2016 , 2016 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (9.89 MB)
S. Pancanti, Pallottino, L., Salvadorini, D., and Bicchi, A., Motion Planning through Symbols and Lattices, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2004, pp. 3914-3919. PDF icon [PDF] (155.62 KB)
S. Pancanti, Pallottino, L., Salvadorini, D., and Bicchi, A., Motion Planning through Symbols and Lattices, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2004, pp. 3914-3919. PDF icon [PDF] (155.62 KB)
H. Marino, Bonizzato, M., Bartalucci, R., Salaris, P., and Pallottino, L., Motion Planning for Two 3D-Dubins Vehicles with Distance Contraint, in International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012, pp. 4702 - 4707 . PDF icon [PDF] (895.33 KB)
H. Wang, Pallottino, L., and Bicchi, A., Motion planning for Formations of Dubins Vehicles, in International Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 2010, 2010, pp. 2263 - 2269.
D. Prattichizzo, Malvezzi, M., and Bicchi, A., On motion and force controllability of grasping hands with postural synergies, in Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, 2010. PDF icon [PDF] (451.97 KB)
L. Citi, Valenza, G., Purdon, P. L., Brown, E. N., and Barbieri, R., Monitoring heartbeat nonlinear dynamics during general anesthesia by using the instantaneous dominant Lyapunov exponent, in 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012, pp. 3124–3127.
A. Settimi, Pavan, C., Varricchio, V., Ferrati, M., Mingo, E., Rocchi, A., Melo, K., Tsagarakis, N. G., and Bicchi, A., A modular approach for remote operation of humanoid robots in search and rescue scenarios , in Modelling & Simulation for Autonomous Systems - MESAS2014, Rome, 5-6 May 2014, 2014. PDF icon [PDF] (3.72 MB)
L. Pallottino, Feron, E., and Bicchi, A., Mixed Integer Programming for Aircraft Conflict Resolution, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2001. PDF icon [PDF] (1.04 MB)
D. Macii, Fontanelli, D., and Petri, D., A Master–Slave Synchronization Model for Enhanced Servo Clock Design, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS), Brescia (Italy), 2009, pp. 1–6. PDF icon [PDF] (261.65 KB)
A. Bicchi and Prattichizzo, D., Manipulability of Cooperating Robots with Passive Joints, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1998, pp. 1038-1043. PDF icon [PDF] (685.06 KB)
R. Barbieri, Valenza, G., Citi, L., Placidi, F., Izzi, F., Albanese, M., Marciani, M., Guerrisi, M., Romigi, A., and Toschi, N., Lower instantaneous entropy of heartbeat dynamics during seizures in untreated temporal lobe epilepsy, in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2015, 2015, pp. 1037–1040.
A. Bicchi, Conticelli, F., and Prattichizzo, D., Localization Of Vehicles By Sensory Information, in Proc. WAC Int. Symp. on Robotics and Applications, 2000, pp. 68-73.
A. Fagiolini, Valenti, G., Pallottino, L., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., Local Monitor Implementation for Decentralized Intrusion Detection in Secure Multi-Agent Systems, in 3rd IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2007, pp. 454–459. PDF icon [PDF] (344.58 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Palopoli, L., Passerone, R., Macii, D., and Petri, D., Lifetime and Coverage Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, Venice, Italy, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (206.73 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Palopoli, L., Passerone, R., Macii, D., and Petri, D., Lifetime and Coverage Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, Venice, Italy, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (206.73 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Palopoli, L., Passerone, R., Macii, D., and Petri, D., Lifetime and Coverage Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, Venice, Italy, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (206.73 KB)
A. Bicchi, Bosio, L., Dario, P., Guiggiani, M., Manfredi, E., and Pinotti, P. C., Leg-Ankle-Foot System for Investigating Sensor Based Legged Locomotion, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tsukuba, Japan, 1989 [Online]. Available:
N. Dubbini, Piccoli, B., and Bicchi, A., Left invertibility of discrete systems with finite inputs and quantized output, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 4687 - 4692. PDF icon [PDF] (548.25 KB)
R. Paradiso, Gemignani, A., Scilingo, E. P., and De Rossi, D., Knitted Bioclothes for Cardiopulmonary Monitoring, in 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Cancun,Mexico, 2003, pp. 3720-3723.
A. Bicchi, Balluchi, A., Prattichizzo, D., and Gorelli, A., Introducing the Sphericle: an experimental testbed for research and teaching in nonholonomy, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (262.45 KB)
G. Pioggia, Carbonaro, N., Anania, G., Tognetti, A., Tartarisco, G., Ferro, M., De Rossi, D., and Riva, G., Interreality: The use of advanced technologies in the assessment and treatement of psychological stress, in Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA’10, 2010, pp. 1047–1051 [Online]. Available:
A. Betella, Pacheco, D., Zucca, R., Arsiwalla, X. D., Omedas, P., Lanata, A., Mazzei, D., Tognetti, A., Greco, A., Carbonaro, N., Wagner, J., Lingenfelser, F., Andrè, E., De Rossi, D., and Verschure, P., Interpreting Psychophysiological States Using Unobtrusive Wearable Sensors in Virtual Reality, in Proc. of The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, 2014.
S. Piccinocchi, Ceccarelli, M., Piloni, F., and Bicchi, A., Interactive Benchmark for Planning Algorithms on the Web, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1997, pp. 399-404. PDF icon [PDF] (476.06 KB)
S. Piccinocchi, Ceccarelli, M., Piloni, F., and Bicchi, A., Interactive Benchmark for Planning Algorithms on the Web, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1997, pp. 399-404. PDF icon [PDF] (476.06 KB)
P. H. Veltink, van Meulen, F. B., van Beijnum, B. J. F., Hermens, H. J., De Rossi, D., Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Buurke, J. H., Reenalda, J., Baten, C. T. M., Simons, C. D. M., Luft, A. R. L., Schepers, H. M., Luinge, H. J., Paradiso, R., and Orselli, R., INTERACTION, Training and monitoring of daily-life physical interaction with the environment after stroke, in Proceedings of XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2012, p. –.
D. Dente, Pisani, A., Scilingo, E. P., and Bicchi, A., Integration of Tactile Flow from Multi-Finger and Multi-Dimensional Information, in Proceedings of the EuroHaptics 2004 (Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany June 5-7, 2004), 2004, pp. 282-289. PDF icon [PDF] (1.05 MB)
N. Carbonaro, Anania, G., Bacchereti, M., Donati, G., Ferretti, G., Pellicci, L., Parrini, G., Vitetta, N., De Rossi, D., and Tognetti, A., An Innovative Multisensor Controlled Prosthetic Hand, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 93–96 [Online]. Available:
N. Carbonaro, Anania, G., Bacchereti, M., Donati, G., Ferretti, G., Pellicci, L., Parrini, G., Vitetta, N., De Rossi, D., and Tognetti, A., An Innovative Multisensor Controlled Prosthetic Hand, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 93–96 [Online]. Available:
