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S. Fani, Ciotti, S., Battaglia, E., Moscatelli, A., and Bianchi, M., W-FYD: a Wearable Fabric-based Display for Haptic Multi-Cue Delivery and Tactile Augmented Reality, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 304 - 316, 2018 [Online]. Available: icon fani2018.pdf (990.54 KB)
G. Fantoni, Tilli, J., Belo, F. A. W., and Ishak, R., Shaping of foam-like materials through the use of a sonotrode, in International Conference On Innovative Design And Manufacturing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 13-15, 2014.
G. Fantoni, Capiferri, S., and Tilli, J., Method for supporting the selection of robot grippers, in 24th CIRP Design Conference, Milan, April 14 - 16, 2014.
G. Fantoni, Santochi, M., Dini, G., Tracht, K., Scholz-Reiter, B., Fleischer, J., T. Lien, K., Seliger, G., Reinhart, G., Franke, J., H. Hansen, N., and Verl, A., Grasping devices and methods in automated production processes , CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 679-701, 2014 [Online]. Available:
A. Faralli, Giovannini, N., Nardi, S., and Pallottino, L., Indoor Real-Time Localisation for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Fusing Vision, Odometry and IMU Data, in International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2016, Rome, Italy, June 15-16, 2016, 2016, vol. 9991 of the book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp. 288 - 297 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (251.82 KB)
E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., Toward whole-body loco-manipulation: Experimental results on multi-contact interaction with the Walk-Man robot, in IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Danjeon, Korea, October 10-14 2016, 2016 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (602.51 KB)
E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., Quasi-Static Analysis of Synergistically Underactuated Robotic Hands in Grasping and Manipulation Tasks, in Human and Robot Hands, vol. Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems, Springer, 2016, pp. 211-233. PDF icon [PDF] (582.21 KB)
E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., and Bicchi, A., Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Compliant Humanoid Robots in Whole-Body Loco-Manipulation Tasks, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2015), Seattle, USA, 25 - 30 May, 2015, pp. 5675 - 5681. PDF icon [PDF] (5.05 MB)
E. Farnioli, Gabiccini, M., Bonilla, M., and Bicchi, A., Grasp Compliance Regulation in Synergistically Controlled Robotic Hands with VSA, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2013, Tokyo, Japan, 2013, pp. 3015 -3022. PDF icon [PDF] (808.46 KB)
A. Ferrarelli, Caporale, D., Settimi, A., and Pallottino, L., APRICOT: Aerospace PRototypIng COntrol Toolbox. A Modeling and Simulation Environment for Aircraft Control Design, in International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2016, Rome, Italy, June 15-16, 2016, 2016, vol. 9991 of the book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp. 139 - 157 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (779.15 KB)
M. Ferrati and Pallottino, L., A time expanded network based algorithm for safe and efficient distributed multi-agent coordination, in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 2013, pp. 2805 - 2810. PDF icon 2013_FP_CDC.pdf (928.26 KB)
M. Ferrati, Settimi, A., and Pallottino, L., ASCARI: a component based simulator for distributed mobile robot systems, in Modelling & Simulation for Autonomous Systems - MESAS2014, Rome, 5-6 May 2014, 2014, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8906, 2014, pp. 152-163. PDF icon [PDF] (987.71 KB)
M. Ferrati, Marino, H., Settimi, A., Nardi, S., and Pallottino, L., Multi–object handling for robotic manufacturing, in IECON 2016: 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, October 24-27, 2016, pp. 6887 - 6893 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (2.11 MB)
M. Ferrati, Settimi, A., Muratore, L., Tsagarakis, N. G., Natale, L., and Pallottino, L., The Walk-Man Robot Software Architecture, Front. Robot. AI, 2016 [Online]. Available:
C. Ferretti, Vozzi, G., Falconi, M., Orciani, M., Gesi, M., Di Primio, R., and Mattioli-Belmonte, M., Role of IGF1 and IGF1/VEGF on Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Bone Healing: Two Sources and Two Fates, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2014.
M. Ferro, Pioggia, G., Tognetti, A., Carbonaro, N., and De Rossi, D., A SENSING SEAT FOR HUMAN AUTHENTICATION, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY, vol. 4, pp. 451–459, 2009.
M. Ferro, Pioggia, G., Tognetti, A., Dalle Mura, G., and De Rossi, D., Event Related Biometrics: Towards an Unobtrusive Sensing Seat System for Continuous Human Authentication, in Proceedings of the ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009, pp. 679–682 [Online]. Available:
M. Ferroni, Giusti, S., Spatafora, G., Boschetti, F., and Ahluwalia, A., Fluid dynamics in porous scaffolds stimulated with cyclic squeeze pressure in the S2PR bioreactor, in Proceedings of ICMMB2014, 2014, pp. 363–68 [Online]. Available:İCMMB2014.pdf
M. Ferroni, Giusti, S., Spatafora, G., Boschetti, F., and Ahluwalia, A., Fluid dynamics in porous scaffolds stimulated with cyclic squeeze pressure in the S2PR bioreactor, in Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria IV Congresso, Pavia, 25-27 June, 2014.
R. Filippini, Sen, S., and Bicchi, A., Toward Soft Robot you can Depend on, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 15, pp. 31 - 41, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (1.25 MB)
R. Filippini, Sen, S., Tonietti, G., and Bicchi, A., A Comparative Dependability Analysis of Antagonistic Actuation Arrangements for Enhanced Robotic Safety, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2007, pp. 4349–4354. PDF icon [PDF] (571.95 KB)
R. Filippini, Sen, S., and Bicchi, A., Variable Impedance Actuations for Physical Human Cooperating Robots: a Comparative Analysis of Performance, Safety and Dependability, in Proc. IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments., 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (97.58 KB)
G. Fogli, Orsi, G., and Vozzi, G., Rheological characterization of vitreous humoranalogous, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 207 - 208.
G. Fogli, Orsi, G., De Maria, C., Montemurro, F., Palla, M., Rizzo, S., and Vozzi, G., New eye phantom for ophthalmic surgery., Journal of biomedical optics, vol. 19, p. 68001, 2014.
D. Fontanelli, Greco, L., and Bicchi, A., Anytime Control Algorithms for Real-Time Embedded Systems, in Int Conf of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, St. Louis, MO, 2008, vol. 4981/2008, pp. 158 - 171.
D. Fontanelli, Danesi, A., Belo, F. A. W., Salaris, P., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing in the Large, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, pp. 802 - 814, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (2 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Salaris, P., Belo, F. A. W., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods, vol. 401, G. Chesi and Hashimoto, K., Eds. Springer, 2010, pp. 335 - 360. PDF icon [PDF] (2.33 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Salaris, P., Belo, F. A. W., and Bicchi, A., Visual appearance mapping for optimal vision based servoing, vol. 54 - Experimental Robotics, B. Siciliano, Khatib, O., and Groen, F., Eds. Springer, 2009, pp. 353 - 362. PDF icon [PDF] (1.14 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Macii, D., and Petri, D., A Flexible Linear Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Synchronization, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Singapore, 2009, pp. 384–389. PDF icon [PDF] (158.37 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Palopoli, L., and Passerone, R., Convergence of Distributed WSN Algorithms: The Wake-Up Scattering Problem, in Proc. of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, San Francisco, 2009, pp. 180–193. PDF icon [PDF] (333.93 KB)
