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A. Betella, Zucca, R., Cetnarski, A., Greco, A., Lanata, A., Mazzei, D., Tognetti, A., Arsiwalla, X. D., Omedas, P., De Rossi, D., and Verschure, P., Inference of Human Affective States from Psychophysiological Measurements Extracted under Ecologically Valid Conditions, FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 8, 2014.
C. Del Tongo, Bravi, R., Tognetti, A., Dalle Mura, G., and Minciacchi, D., The influence of audio-stimuli on isochronic repetitive movements. A time analysis using kinematic data, in Joint Meeting of Young Italian and Japanese Neuroscientists, Italian Society for Neuroscience, 2010, pp. 35–35.
N. Carbonaro, Anania, G., Bacchereti, M., Donati, G., Ferretti, G., Pellicci, L., Parrini, G., Vitetta, N., De Rossi, D., and Tognetti, A., An Innovative Multisensor Controlled Prosthetic Hand, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 93–96 [Online]. Available:
P. H. Veltink, van Meulen, F. B., van Beijnum, B. J. F., Hermens, H. J., De Rossi, D., Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Buurke, J. H., Reenalda, J., Baten, C. T. M., Simons, C. D. M., Luft, A. R. L., Schepers, H. M., Luinge, H. J., Paradiso, R., and Orselli, R., INTERACTION, Training and monitoring of daily-life physical interaction with the environment after stroke, in Proceedings of XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2012, p. –.
A. Betella, Pacheco, D., Zucca, R., Arsiwalla, X. D., Omedas, P., Lanata, A., Mazzei, D., Tognetti, A., Greco, A., Carbonaro, N., Wagner, J., Lingenfelser, F., Andrè, E., De Rossi, D., and Verschure, P., Interpreting Psychophysiological States Using Unobtrusive Wearable Sensors in Virtual Reality, in Proc. of The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, 2014.
G. Pioggia, Carbonaro, N., Anania, G., Tognetti, A., Tartarisco, G., Ferro, M., De Rossi, D., and Riva, G., Interreality: The use of advanced technologies in the assessment and treatement of psychological stress, in Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA’10, 2010, pp. 1047–1051 [Online]. Available:
N. Carbonaro, Tognetti, A., Anania, G., De Rossi, D., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., and Riva, G., A Mobile Biosensor to detect Cardiorespiratory Activity for Stress Tracking, in IEEE 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), Venice, Italy, 2013, pp. 440 - 445 .
R. Bravi, Del Tongo, C., Cohen, E. J., Dalle Mura, G., Tognetti, A., and Minciacchi, D., Modulation of isochronous movements in a flexible environment: links between motion and auditory experience, Experimental Brain Research, vol. 232, no. 6, pp. 1663 - 1675, 2014.
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Ricciardi, E., Zupone, G., Tognetti, A., Bonino, D., Scilingo, E. P., Cutolo, F., Giovannetti, G., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., A MR Compatible Sensing Glove for Brain Studies, in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2010, p. 1262 MT–PM–.
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Zupone, G., Sgambelluri, N., Tognetti, A., Ricciardi, E., Scilingo, E. P., Bicchi, A., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., An MRI Compatibility Study of a Fabric Sensing Glove for Sensory-Motor Brain Activity Exploration, in The 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007, pp. 79-83.
L. Cominelli, Carbonaro, N., Mazzei, D., Garofalo, R., Tognetti, A., and De Rossi, D., A Multimodal Perception Framework for Users Emotional State Assessment in Social Robotics, FUTURE INTERNET, vol. 9, 2017.
M. Bianchi, Haschke, R., Büscher, G., Ciotti, S., Carbonaro, N., and Tognetti, A., A Multi-Modal Sensing Glove for Human Manual-Interaction Studies, Electronics, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016 [Online]. Available:
C. Del Tongo, Bravi, R., Tognetti, A., Dalle Mura, G., and Minciacchi, D., Music and non-musical timed information affect accuracy of motor performance in a task of synchronization, in Proceedings of the National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience, 2009, p. –.
R. Bravi, Quarta, E., Del Tongo, C., Carbonaro, N., Tognetti, A., and Minciacchi, D., Music, clicks, and their imaginations favor differently the event-based timing component for rhythmic movements, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, vol. 233, pp. 1945–1961, 2015 [Online]. Available:
N. Carbonaro, Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Dalle Mura, G., and De Rossi, D., Personal Biomonitoring System: a real-time physiological and behavioural parameter monitoring system for stress correlation, in 17th Annual CyberPsychology & CyberTherapy Conference (CYBER17), 2012, p. –.
T. Gulrez, Tognetti, A., and De Rossi, D., Pervasive Computing: Innovations in Intelligent Multimedia and Applications, Springer London, 2010, pp. 97–115 [Online]. Available:
D. G. Mura, Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Carbonaro, N., Pacelli, M., Paradiso, R., and De Rossi, D., Piezoresistive Goniometer Network for Sensing Gloves, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 1547–1550.
G. Dalle Mura, Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Carbonaro, N., Pacelli, M., Paradiso, R., and De Rossi, D., Piezoresistive Goniometer Network for Sensing Gloves, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2014, pp. 1547–1550 [Online]. Available:
L. Cominelli, Mazzei, D., Carbonaro, N., Garofalo, R., Zaraki, A., Tognetti, A., and De Rossi, D., A preliminary framework for a social robot ‚Äúsixth sense‚Äù, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 5th International Conference, Living Machines 2016, Edinburgh, UK, July 19-22, 2016. Proceedings, Dordrecht, 2016, vol. 9793, pp. 58–70 [Online]. Available:
N. Carbonaro, Cipresso, P., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., De Rossi, D., Pallavicini, F., Gaggioli, A., and Riva, G., Psychometric Assessment of Cardio-Respiratory Activity Using a Mobile Platform, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HANDHELD COMPUTING RESEARCH, vol. 5, pp. 13–29, 2014.
